Financial Aid Problem

<p>Uh-oh. The Brown fin aid website says specifically that if you get the FAFSA and CSS Profile in later than Feb. 1, you could suffer “major consequences”. I submitted my FAFSA to the FAFSA site before Feb.1, but it wasn’t processed by FAFSA until February 6th (I got the email yesterday confirming it). Which means, from FAFSA it didn’t get to Brown before then. Am I subject to these said consequences, or are there too many applicants for Brown to care/notice enough to inflict punishment on me?</p>

<p>You were on time, but, from what you were saying above, FAFSA was the “guilty” party. I would say that you are fine. You can’t help what others do. So, Brown will most likely consider your work done on time. The date of submission is indicated on the report that FAFSA sends to both you and the schools. Check to be sure that is the case, by looking at the processed FAFSA on the FAFSA website.</p>

<p>…what are the consequences?</p>

<p>Whew! Thanks, franglish. (Or as my classmates say it, franglais!) The Brown site was not specific about exactly what consequences, but it’s enough to scare anyone into striving to get their fin aid in on time.</p>

<p>It’s just that soon after Feb 1 they start looking at financial information and setting up who gets what money. It’s not really “first come, first serve”, but if your information is in quite late and the money is already divided up amongst others they may have less to be generous with when they get to you.</p>

<p>That’s how I’ve already interpreted it.</p>


Yes, but that is pretty much unbalanced! I gotta be equal to all three (French, Spanish and English)!</p>

<p>I <em>think</em> that the submittal date to the FAFSA folks is what counts. If they processed it after that date, you should be ok.</p>

<p>And even though you pay for it, the CSS folks are abysmal at processing stuff in any kind of timely manner.</p>

<p>In general, the financial aid engine in the country is broken, and only likley to get worse.</p>

<p>I think their web site says something about cutting scholarship aid if application isn’t on time.</p>