<p>I was looking at <a href="http://collegeaid.uchicago.edu/prospective/average_aid.shtml%5B/url%5D">http://collegeaid.uchicago.edu/prospective/average_aid.shtml</a> and was wondering what financial aid really is. Since I'm an international student, most of this doesn't apply to me (actually none of it), but I'm still curious. </p>
<p>When you get your financial aid award, what does the figure mean? Let's say I get $30,000 aid. Is this simply free money? Is the amount that I need to take out in loans included in this figure? How about the amount I am expected to earn from working in the summer/term? </p>
<p>And that would mean that your EFC is something like $15,000 correct? </p>
<p>Thank you.</p>