<p>A few questions ~</p>
<li>Is GW good with it?</li>
<li>When do you find out how much you'll receive. i.e., do ED 1 applicants find out Dec 15th etc</li>
<li>If yes to the first questions, do they actually give grants and stuff or just loans ?</li>
<li>does applying ED 1 increase your chance of getting more aid ?</li>
<p>thank you !</p>
<p>GW is fantastic with financial aid from what I found out from other people. If you are applying ED 1, I am pretty sure you will get a tentative offer for financial aid on December 15th that will be revisited after you send in your FAFSA in January. They give a high percentage of grants and a low percentage of loans when you compare it to other schools. Applying ED 1 does not affect your financial aid in any way, but it is very possible that you will not receive any merit aid.</p>
<p>ohhh okay thank you !</p>
<p>so what if they dont give enough?
and do they give full rides at all, besides the SJT ?</p>
<p>I think it’s possible to opt out of ED if you can demonstrate that you cannot afford the tuition with the financial aid plan they gave you.</p>
<p>For example, if you and you’re family can really only afford $5,000 and they make you pay full boat, obviously you can’t afford it and can opt out…</p>
<p>Now if they make you pay $6,000 and your EFC is $6,000, you will have a difficult time demonstrating you can’t afford the school.</p>
<p>So don’t think you can use the “oh i can’t pay” as an opt out. Early Decision is a legally binding contract. They understand circumstances out of your control arise, but just because another school offers you a better aid package doesn’t mean you can just renig on your application to GWU. That is unfair to GWU and the other person who got denied because you didn’t want to pay. I hope that doesn’t sound harsh
You probably aren’t thinking that at all.</p>
<p>I don’t know why you applied ED if financial aid is a concern…</p>
<p>because i probably wouldnt get in RD and GW is like my first choice and i’ve been waiting to apply since sophomore year.</p>
<p>its not really that much of a concern, i just wanted to know</p>
<p>ok, just don’t load yourself up with 100k+ of debt, no matter how much you love a school.</p>
<p>Our daughter applied ED last year and was accepted. GW gave us a wonderful financial package. From our opinion, they nailed the FAFSA estimate right on. We are not paying anymore then the Estimated Family Contribution (EFC). I think GW does the whole admissions process right and really tries to give families financial packages that they should be able to afford. It’s no where near a free ride for us…our monthly payment is like another mortgage payment but we saved and tightened our belts. I also feel that GW wouldn’t go out of their way to make it unaffordable for students that apply ED. Most financial aid advisors say the EFC has a formula which is 1/3 should come from savings, a third from current wages and a third from loans (parents only…federal student loans that the student pays after graduation are not considered part of the EFC.)</p>
<p>Also, you will not see your financial package when you log in to see your acceptance. They will mail it to you within two weeks with your official letter of aceptance. This wait time was almost as stressful as the decision wait time because you don’t know for two weeks if you could really afford it or not. Even the award is not official until they get all your tax forms, FAFSA information, etc. after the first of the year so you will get a final award sometime in April or May.</p>
<p>thank you momofblue !</p>