<p>I got none with my acceptance letter, which is a little troublesome, but I still plan on making it work and have my CSS and FAFSA applications filled out and ready to be sent in on the first. My parents can contribute 20k a year combined, but I'm also worried my dad will skip out on his share. </p>
<p>I read on their website that they offer Grant-in-Aid scholarships to members in the band? Can anyone give me more information. I play both flute and trombone and have done so in both marching and concert band. I was sixth chair flute in a very large band, and I'm second chair trombone. Not that either of those things means much. I was just wondering if anyone recieved any, and if so how much.</p>
<p>I don't think I stand a chance at a late merit but here are my stats regardless:
GPA: 4.9 (weighted), 3.38 (Unweighted)
SAT: 1250 (Not including writing) 700 reading, 550 math
ACT: 27- Reading 33, English 27, math 24, science 24, combined English/writing 27
Class rank: 67/698 (Approx) which would put me in the top 10%.
9 APs total, only 4 exams taken so far.
AP Calculus AB- 2
AP U.S history- 4
AP Lang and comp- 4
AP Psychology- 4
I still have to take AP stat, AP physics B, AP Microeconomics, AP literature, and AP European History.
Not that I'm sure it matters in scholarships but I also have over six years of community service at the same place, am a tutor through the school, a member of my senior house of reps, and band, in addition to NHS.</p>
<p>I'm worried I'll walk out owing a lot of money, but it's my first choice school, and the best I applied to so either way I'm going to make it work. Thanks for your information. What in the way of aid does Fordham offer, and do I stand a chance or am I going to walk out owing 150k plus?</p>
<p>Thanks for any information.</p>
<p>Your UW gpa and SAT unfortunately don’t put you in scholarship territory. Sorry. But financial aid is still highly likely and you have to submit your FAFSA and CSS asap after tomorrow. Some student loans are likely. You may get some healthy grant money, if you qualify financially. Work-study is reserved for those kids with very low EFC’s. Small stipends/grant in aid is also given for band/orchestra, but its not substantial. And its done by the Band Director and is always a semester in arrears to ensure kids perform their service and dont take the money and “walk.” Thus you are paid for fall semester in spring, and so forth. Fordham, like all private colleges these days, is expensive. Sadly, that means that some families are really stressed and stretched to make it work. But its an investment in your future, often with handsome rewards. Best of luck.</p>
<p>Thank you for your information, I figured my stats were too low for any merit based scholarships at Fordham. Of course I’ll make sure I submit my CSS and FAFSA first thing tomorrow, and then I’ll just have to see where it goes from there. Thanks.</p>
<p>wait, i thought u cudnt submit ur FAFSA until ur parents got their 2008 tax papers?? my dad says he gets them at the very end of Jan, maybe even mid Feb. but FAFSA for Fordham is due Feb. 1st. WAT DO I DO??</p>
<p>you send estimates based on 2007’s figures if things didn’t change too drastically from 2007 to 2008. then once you have the right papers for 2008, you send out the corrections. this works good with the FAFSA. with the CSS it’s a pain because I believe you get charged, or at least it isn’t as simple, to just send out corrections.</p>
<p>also to the OP, there’s plenty of jobs for students on campus that aren’t necessarily work-study. talk to the Office of Student Employment.</p>
<p>oooo ok, so its ok for my FAFSA if i just use my 2007 income form and estimate?</p>
<p>yea it should be. call the fin aid office though to get confirmation (718) 817-3800. they open again on jan 5, 2008. </p>
<p>essentially what happens is that some schools have deadlines for FAFSA due before parents can fill out their taxes, or in some cases, before they receive their W-2 from their employers. some schools allow students to use estimates from the previous year’s tax forms on their FAFSA so long as the student corrects it once the tax forms have been filed.</p>