Financial Aid

<p>So my brother got an update on his financial aid package today.. His efc is almost 4k and they only offered him a pell grant for 800 a semester.. Is that an average package? Only 1.6k a year? Thanks for the help.</p>

<p>Also… I don’t know if this affects financial aid but we (my whole family) are resident aliens and not citizens.</p>

<p>I’m not sure if that’s exactly on target, but I have heard that VT is not big on giving out a lot of financial aid.</p>

<p>Really? Because this seems like nothing… :confused: I’m a college student myself planning on transferring and I thought that they’d offer more considering it’d be two of us in college.</p>

<p>Many state colleges give pitiances for low EFCs, Tech is not a rarity.</p>

<p>Other than the Davenport and Dean Scholarships (which are few and far between from what I’ve been told), what are the chances that Virginia Tech would offer any partial scholarships to incoming Engineering freshmen (female, 4.0 UW, 1400 SAT)? Thanks! Daughter really wants to consider VA Tech, but husband and I worry about the OSS tuition.</p>