Financial Representative

<p>I went through the interviews and I've been given the offer of becoming a Financial Representative for a Fortune 100 company as an intern. Is that a good way to start things off, or should I be aiming higher?</p>

<p>is it at Northwestern Mutual?</p>

<p>Yes it's Northwestern Mutual. After doing some research about them, it looks like another sales job. I'm not too happy about that, however I'm just looking for something to put on the resume that lies above working at Target or w/e.</p>

<p>What year are you?</p>


<p>anyone have any personal experiences (good or bad) at this company?</p>

<p>if u want to sell insurance to ur friends and family go for it</p>

<p>otherwise dont</p>

<p>thanks for the reply, i already decided against it, trying to get my family and friends to buy expensive insurance products sounds TERRIBLE.</p>

<p>what i don’t understand is how this internship program is ranked so high??!</p>