I’m currently a freshman at Penn. So far I had a great experience at Penn, and my first semester was amazing. I got to know a lot of people who are all truly amazing. There is only one problem. Most of them (basically all of them) love to go out. I like a party here or there, but it definitely doesn’t have to be every weekend (more like twice a month). Since all my friends love to go out, the first problem is that I have no one to do stuff with in the evening. Besides that, they always ask me if I want to join them going out/where I was last night, and that is getting awkward. Any of you guys have solutions? How do I find friends that want the same thing as me?
I would join some clubs that interest you. UPenn is one of my top choices right now, and one of the ways I plan to meet people is through the Kelly Writers House. It seems like a good way to socialize, especially if the clubs have little social events or gatherings sometimes that aren’t exactly parties.
Question? What/Where are they going out at night compared to what you want to do at night? I think you may find that things change this semester. The people who love going to large fraternity parties will pledge now and the large open fraternity parties of the fall get closed for pledging most of spring. That causes people to start doing other things like going to concerts, out to dinner, city festivals etc. My son’s freshman spring was very different than the fall and he found that while he enjoyed the fall, he liked the spring activities even better. Who knew! Then moving to your later years you will continue doing the things you like and limit the things you don’t. Enjoy and good luck!
My D is a Penn freshman and does not drink (we really want her to appreciate wine, to no avail, lol.) But she is heavily involved in 2 volunteer groups, plus theater and dance. With so many groups at Penn I’m sure there’s something to your interest that doesn’t involve parties!
Get involved in some of the groups or clubs on campus. It is a great way to make friends, and build a resume at the same time.
You could hang out with me! I’m a freshman at Penn who isn’t into going to parties. Do you live in the quad?
Thanks for all the replies! I’m more into just hanging with friends, going to restaurants, movie nights (or going to the movie theater for that matter), and basically all events where you can just socialize by talking, watch a fun show or performance, etc. I’m just not into the whole standing in a packed room with way too many people and super loud music at frat parties. The thing is that I’m an athlete, so I’m already in a sort of group as many of you suggested. Most of the people on my team are the same as my other friends though, a lot of them are into partying at frats, etc.
@KeDIX1414, I live in hill, but you’re more than welcome to come over