<p>I know many people on cc are probably just as busy as I am, but it seems that many of you are able to read many books during your spare time. I, unfortunately, do not: I am 330 pages (out of 500) and 1.5 months into my latest book. </p>
<p>When do you do the majority of your reading?</p>
<p>Do you have to forego other parts of your freetime in order to do so?</p>
<p>Sent from my SPH-D700 using CC</p>
<p>Sent from my SPH-D700 using CC</p>
<p>…Don’t you have reading period in your school? You can use that? Or like you can give up an hour for yourself to read.</p>
<p>Then… there’s always the weekend to do some reading as well.</p>
<p>…Don’t you have reading period in your school? You can use that? Or like you can give up an hour for yourself to read.</p>
<p>Then… there’s always the weekend to do some reading as well.</p>
<p>To be honest, it really depends on the week for me. If there’s a light workload (i.e. not 50 tests going on at the same time) then perhaps I can squeeze in my passion for reading Sherlock Holmes and Harry Potter
. On the other hand, some weeks I can barely breathe, let alone read books. </p>
<p>Now that I’m a senior in HS, I’m delighted to find that I have much more time for reading, because I slip into a nice dream world called senioritis ;). </p>
<p>Wait, total lie. In two weeks APs come up, and then…haha, I won’t breathe … SO Much studying to do…Sigh. Stupid APs.</p>
<p>I don’t think most people have a period just to read, I guess you could use your homeroom, however many people on this forum like me use it to tutor or do something like that.
What I personally do when I need to read for homework assignments is that I just listen to audiobooks while running in cross-country or track. Now when I read for leisure I usually need to prioritize for other things and find myself only reading on the weekends. However, if I’m really into a book I might carry it with me and read it if I have spare time.</p>
<p>Well you could like do some of the reading in school. I can’t provide a logical solution for this as I am taking hard classes (AP Lit, Span, Alg 2) my workload is heavy but I manage the Spanish and Alg hw as they’re nothing. I don’t think everyone have a homeroom to read (schools in my area don’t). You could read it at lunch. Also don’t procrastinate, this is probably one of the main reason you can’t find the time to read.</p>