<p>I am considering sending in the Fine Arts Supplement, for RD. The postmark deadline is 15th November for "materials". I think I read somewhere that I need to send my Common App + the Stanford Supplement before they get the Fine Arts Supplement, so they can make a file me. Everything else needs to be sent by the regular deadline: 1st January. Is this true? Can anyone help me, I would really appreciate it!</p>
<p>Yes, that is correct. They need the common app + Stanford supplement at the same time or before they get the fine arts supplement</p>
<p>So teacher recommendations, SAT/ACT scores etc. can be sent before Jan 1?</p>
<p>yes, that's right</p>
<p>Just as an additional question, does the Common App essay have to be a certain length?</p>
<p>there are already threads for your question
but the summary goes</p>
<p>more than 500 words (required)
600 - 700 is perfect
800 then you might want to cut back a little</p>
<p>I've also heard the admissions won't care if you aren't wasting their time (meaning your essay doesn't make them want to rip it into thousands pieces, feed it to a cat, then burn the cat, then make Bulbasour eat the ashes, while fighting level 200 Charzard... you get the picture)</p>
<p>I have to think that because mine is 1000 words, but mine is not boring, says 15 people consecutively.</p>
<p>Thanks. But does it say anywhere how much you should write?</p>