<p>Has anybody on here been to FIP before? Did you like it, and what kinds of things did you do there?</p>
<p>I have the same question, only for FUP.</p>
<p>Do FIP! Definitely, it is a lot of fun! They teach you about a lot of the practical stuff you need to know, but for the most part it is just about having fun and meeting a lot of amazing people from all over the world!</p>
<p>Could you mention some specific events that the FIP orchestrated? I’m trying to decide between FIP and Dorm Crew right now, so more info would be helpful.</p>
<p>Mustafa, It says that you can actually can do both, Dorm crew for a few days then FIP as Fip is only for 3 or 4 days at the end around the 23 to 27,( not sure of exact days) Dorm crew is a lot of hard work cleaning up bathrooms and moving furniture for the incoming freshman. If your not in Dormcrew because you need the money do both you’ll meet two groups of people and FIP according to my D and nicybol is a lot of fun.</p>