First B ever in HS Senior Year Possibility

<p>I have had all As throughout high school. This year, I am taking AP English Literature and Composition and it is extremely difficult. It's not difficult because of the material, it's difficult because the teacher teacher has inconsistent expectations and inconsistent grading scales. I may end up with a B for this quarter and semester in AP English Lit. How much will this affect my college admissions prospects for regular admission for top colleges after I submit the Mid-Year Report in February?</p>

<p>Is your thinking that only 4.0 students get into selective colleges?</p>

<p>it will not affect your admissions chances at all, silly.</p>

<p>AP Lit & Comp has been the downfall of many a perfect GPA. Subjective grading, indefinite interpretations of the lit, and teacher mood can all affect the grade outcome. One B is not going to shift an admissions result. (Maybe just class rank.)</p>