First day of school

<p>Ah, it's that time of year again. Many of us also have to turn in our summer assignments too. </p>

<p>Last year I took ap bio and scraped through the class painfully (but with an A). At the end of the year, the class ended up stapling the summer assignment for this year's ap bio class. I handed out the packets and gave a warning to each prospective student: start the assignment a month early so that you don't have to drop out of the class (this happened to a lot of people last year). </p>

<p>So today, I was at work, and my cell phone kept buzzing. I checked it. 10 messages from people begging me to give them my old homework packets. I declined each request.</p>

<p>So, I'm pretty sure that most of you guys only do summer assignments the week before school, right?</p>






<p>Pretty much. It’s tradition.
Procrastination is an art, and a lot of people are bad at it.</p>

<p>“So, I’m pretty sure that most of you guys only do summer assignments the week before school, right?” </p>

<p>Well of course.</p>

<p>It’s three weeks before I start school and I have already finished my work for AP Economics, AP Chemistry, Science Research and AP English. Just have to finish my Honors History work. </p>

<p>But I know I am part of the minority…</p>

<p>It is simply unlawful to do summer assignments in a timely manner.</p>



<p>For the most part, yeah. Although, I actually started doing my summer work in <em>gasp</em> July. In fact, I’m actually working on my summer reading assignment right now - more than two weeks before it’s due.</p>

<p>I start school tomorrow. LUCKILY no summer assignments <em>that i know of</em></p>

<p>I need to start reading my assigned book and doing the packet. But, I haven’t even checked out the book so far from the library.</p>

<p>I have better things to do all summer than my lab and project for Bio, papers and reading for Gov, 2 books and writings for English, 2 packets for Calc, and lab for chem. Therefore I will minimize that time to the last two weeks, procrastination is a virtue. That is if you actually get it done in the end.</p>

<p>I started my summer work the week after school got out (I have no life in case you can’t tell)</p>

<p>Yeah summer is not meant for schoolwork. It’s meant for making money at a job, hanging out with friends, and generally having a good time. I also have learned that teachers end up modifying the summer assignments a couple weeks before school starts. For example, I have an assignment for AP Physics B which was given to us on the last day of school, and I did it after completing my last final exam so I wouldn’t have to do it over the summer. On Friday, my teacher sent everyone an email saying that there are modifications to the packet and to print it from her website. We don’t get full credit with the old version. School starts on the 26th. And this isn’t the first time it’s happened either.</p>

<p>Summer assignments? HA! What are those? </p>

<p>If I had summer work, I would probably do it right after school lets out, then probably look over it again before school starts.</p>

<p>Seriously. I don’t even know with 100 percent certainty the classes I’m taking. And school starts a week from tomorrow. They accidentally let every student see a, for most students, incomplete version of their schedules last week but I heard the schedules should be finalized the 19th. My schedule better not have changed; I liked it. A lot. I had everything I requested. That is a first.</p>

<p>In all seriousness, I just want it to start. We’ve gotten to the point of summer where you’ve accepted it’s almost over and starting school is inevitable. It’s just that this year I have to worry about college applications, essays, and deadlines. </p>

<p>And possibly a trip to China because our school is working on a relationship with some international school over there. We’re getting two students from there this year and my principal told me they want us to send some students over there for a week. And I might be one of them. Great…</p>

<p>I hate, hate, hate how everyone just copies each others summer assignments. Like, yeah, summer work sucks. But you chose to take the class.</p>

<p>I’ve sorta done some of it.</p>

<p>And I woulda just given someone my bio hw.</p>

<p>Weeknd, you make a good point. Im honestly not sure if I have summer work for some of my classes. Oh well.</p>

<p>4 books to read in a week and a half for AP Lit. It was my only AP class that assigned something.</p>

<p>I did the majority of the problems in my Physics and Stats packets before junior year even ended. I had 3 finals (for my useless classes that I never study for) the last week of school. I had a LOT of downtime at school… card games are only entertaining for so long. </p>

<p>AP Lit I started mid-July because I was gone the first two weeks of August on vacation and start school tomorrow. No way was I gonna ruin my last week of summer with non-stop reading or my vacation. </p>

<p>I’m like the only non-procrastinator ever!</p>

<p>I hate procrastinating, minorities FTW!! </p>

<p>I’m bad. I’ll get everything done ASAP. While everyone is enjoying their first week or two of summer I’m sitting in my room writing an essay… LOL. </p>

<p>Good luck to all with finishing assignments!</p>