First Impressions

<p>I'm a few weeks away from my first interview, and I have a few questions about appearance...</p>

<p>I am by no means a "punk", "emo", "alternative", or whatever you like to label those dark and disturbed individuals nowadays. I am a bubbly, bright person.</p>

<p>But I recently dyed my hair a deep red (the name was rich mahogany, lol) and I have a nose piercing. The hair is far from my natural color (blonde) and the nose piercing is a simple, classy aurora Borealis stud.</p>

<p>Do schools have dress codes that pertain to hair color and facial piercings? Specifically Choate, Exeter, and Andover.</p>

<p>Will I be looked down on/discriminated against because of my appearance?</p>

<p>I would go to the school's web sites and find the dress code. Usually they are in the student/family handbooks. Some schools (I have no idea if those 3 are included in this) do have rules that pertain to hair color and piercings.</p>

<p>Thanks! I hope not- Andover and Choate seem relatively lax, as Andover had two girls with nose piercings in their viewbook. But who knows?</p>

<p>On my tour of Andover I saw three guys with wife beaters, lip piercings and dyed mohawks. They were students... It was a thursday... No classes though because of a holiday.</p>

<p>methinks it show diversity :P</p>

<p>Appearance for the interview is important. I don't think it is considered discrimination or diversity. As for the Andover students, maybe a transformation after acceptance or Halloween but the Exeter students would probably like to think otherwise. Sorry, don't mean to rain on your parade, just my first impression.</p>

<p>I agree, ops. Appearance is amazingly important to admissions and to myself, and I do not want to look like a punk.
The piercing really is almost unnoticable, and the hair color will fade. But I just wanted to make sure no body would "count me out" of the runnign because of my appearance!
I plan on wearing very simple clothes, black dress pants and a nice, plain blue top.</p>

<p>If you carry yourself in the manner in which you responded after my last somewhat sarcastic comment then you will do very well. They will by no means count you out . Good luck!</p>

<p>I think your interviewers will care more about your enthusiasm and interest in their school than about your hair color.</p>

<p>I will tell you one thing. My interviewer from Andover said, “I can tell that you spent a while picking out your suit… The light blue strips and tie looks pretty solid. Why?”
I told him “being the most brilliant mind in history doesn’t count for anything unless I can convey my knowledge to other people and present myself in a way that does my material justice. That is what Mock Trial taught me.”</p>

<p>I mean, he was very impressed and told me that my answer was the best answer he has gotten in response to that question in all of his years of admission. I was really impressed that he stressed the value of knowing that substance and presentation is important and was happy to tell me that I had both.</p>

<p>I thought that was a big hook in my interview personally.</p>

<p>^ I’m guessing a suit would be too over the top for a girl. </p>

<p>I own one for debate, and it might be weird, but I love wearing my suit. :)</p>

<p>The girls that I know told me they all wore business formal… I mean one girl said that she wore pink shoes with a black suit and all of the interviewers commented and that was a great way to “force” a question she had a great answer for.</p>

<p>She said something about they really symbolize her… I didn’t really pay attention.</p>

<p>Good. I’m glad I can wear it.</p>

<p>I’m really not sure why it matters, since like I’ve said on other threads, I’m doing, unfortunatly, most of mine on the phone.</p>

<p>Woo. I had no idea you were being sarcastic past the whole “raining on your parade” thing… Either I’m “doing well” or just painfully oblivious! haha.</p>