First Semester GPA..

<p>I'm bioengineering and my first semester GPA might be a little low.. I'm looking at 1 A, 1 A-/A, 1 B+/A-, and possibly 1 C... 3 of these are tech classes (E10, Math 53, and Chem 1a) - I was hoping to get into an ivy for engineering grad school. I think I spent a little too much time socializing this first semester and think I could have done much better.
My question is if ivy grad schools are lenient at all on first semester for the "getting settled" phase? If I do very well in my following semesters (3.7+) how would my ivy hopes look?</p>

<p>research and internships and recommendations are far more important</p>

<p>one C won’t preclude you from a great grad school</p>

<p>3.7+ every semester from now on will definitely get you into a great grad school for bioeng. one C does not hurt much, as long as you show improvement. you have 2weeks until finals… so i suggest massive studying in the library everyday until 2am. two weeks of hell may bring that C up to a C+ or B-</p>