First Thanksgiving break Flight home

He survived the lunge. I’m logging off for the holiday. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

For parents for whom kid’s Thanksgiving travel is all old hat, opening the Thanksgiving wine a bit early is also permitted.

Speaking of Thanksgiving breaks…am I the only parent who didn’t read the calendar/realize that their kid has to be back to school a day after I was planning to drive her back?!?

@SevenDad I love the Monday return!

DS has many mid-week pick ups and drop offs. This week it is Wednesday back to school. I wish there were more weekend ones.

@SevenDad and @GMC2918 - I also love the Monday return!

I’m bracing myself for the traffic and crowd on Sunday morning at the airport. Saturday pick up was not as bad as I expected. I do not like Sunday return.

Kiddo goes back on a 5AM flight tomorrow and we’re now an hour from the airport. Not going to get much sleep tonight. :frowning:

@ChoatieMom - wow, talk about not nearly short enough. Hang in there.

@payn4ward - Thanks for the reminder about tomorrow’s airport craziness. Not looking forward to dealing with it. Hopefully his plane is on time. Agree - would prefer Monday departure. Alas…

@ChoatieMom - Ouch!!

@ChoatieMom: Hope the visit was good, however short it may been.

Having had at least one kid at BS for 5 years now, you’d think I’d be on top of scheduling. The good news is that, instead of having to split up to take the girls back to their respective schools (BS and college) today, we can travel together to bring 7D1 back.

P4Wkid conquered his first solo round-trip airtravel with no issues and is on the school charter bus for next three hours. As I expected the other two students from his school who shared the outbound leg were on the same flight as well.

I cringe thinking about how long the entire trip is taking him, 12 hours door to door. 4 hour flight, 3 hour bus ride, and waiting around. Ouch. My aching back and body! He says nothing about it. Must be the youth and unlimited data plan.

We started to the airport well ahead and there was minimal crowd at the security. They were prepared for afternoon crowd as the maze of poles and tapes for lines was set up to the exterior doors for about 10 miles.

Did I mention that we missed the outbound flight for the start of the school move-in? Fortunately the rebooking was seamless then and we landed only 2 hours later than our luggage did. I try avoid doing that again traveling with DS.

Mine tomorrow morning, back to class on Wednesday. He’s only gone for 2 weeks then home for Christmas. For which I have to figure out how to get him home. I don’t think I have any vacation time left to go fetch him…

That’s “mine goes back”

I had booked DS’s air tickets for thanksgiving, winter and spring breaks before the school started, I think. Now I’m looking at the end of school year return trip. I should have gotten it earlier as well. It’s WAY expensive or sold out of cheap ones :((

@payn4ward , I’m not sure what route your child will be flying but it will often be more expensive this far out (I assume late May/early June). I find the sweet spot for booking air travel these days is often between 1-2 months out. Do you use Kayak? You can track flights and have them notify you by email if the rate drops below X amount.

I agree mostly… but for Springbreak, Thanksgiving, Winterbreak and End of School Friday, when I need specific dates and specific times and specific airport(s), I am grabbing the tickets as soon as they become availble to book, 6 months ahead…if they are reasonably priced.

I’m using mostly Southwest (it’s not on other websites) or JetBlue.

Sothwest cheap fares are gone for that Friday in the evening on both airports so DS will take JetBlue.
There are other cheaper connecting options but this first year I am looking at only direct flight and no unaccompanied minor restrictions by airlines. This summer DS will turn 15 and there will be more options and we will try connectiong flights. :slight_smile:

My kid is in “flight delay h-e-double hockey sticks”. Flight here running late so would miss connection. Called and re-booked connection, but original flight still hasn’t left. Fingers crossed it goes! Now all I have to do is find her a way back to school as the bus will have left hours before. Fun, fun, fun! :smiley:

And thank god (once again) for Amazon Prime. Even though I must have asked both my kids about a dozen times if there was anything they needed to get while they were home for the long weekend, of course neither of them thought of anything until they were in the car driving back to school today. I have now fielded three different texts from them, identifying things they forgot they needed, and every time my response was that I’ll send it from Amazon. A strange assortment of items: an advent calendar, an ice hockey stick, and acne medication.

Fingers crossed, @london203. I know those hockey sticks too well. Hugs.