First time chance- Over did ec's?

<p>Hi this is my first post. I think I have a diverse resume, but I am concerned with my applications. Please chance me. I am currently finishing my applications to:
NYU (Grandpa and great grandpa graduated)
GW (aunt attended, did not graduate)
Carnegie mellon
UF(Already submitted)
I live in Florida, and have had over 5 family members graduate from UF so I think it is my safety.</p>

<p>-4.7 Weighted GPA, 21st in a class of over 600
-1390 second time taking the SAT
-33 first time taking the ACT
-Didn't do the best (~650) on my 2 subject tests; I was sick
-currently in 6 ap classes
-made it to the first round of national Merit
-Treasurer NHS (junior) VP (Senior)- won multiple chapter distinction awards
-Charter Parlimentarian of English National Honor Society
-Member (junior)- Rho Kappa
-Member (junior)- Science National Honor society
-I have swam competitively for over 9 years, and have had many titles to my name both in year round club swimming, and as a member (and former captain-junior year; could not continue senior year due to obligations to my own athletics) of my school team. 4 district titles, regional runner up, state qualifier, 2 time MVP, honorable mention, top 8 in county multiple times, 4 time varsity letter
-member of key club freshman, sophomore, junior,
-member of German club for 3 years, shut down due to budget
-joined DECA due to enrollment in an AP Macro class (manditory)
-charter member of the debate team my freshman year, won a few awards (nothing big)
-Had a job at a construction company the summer going into my senior year
-over 300 service hours
I have always tried to push myself in all areas of my education. Please tell me how you think my chances are.</p>

<p>P.s. I am not swimming in college although i had the opportunity- i was injured during the season my senior year</p>

<p>You don’t get legacy for aunts or great grand parents. Alot of your ECs are “filler” ECs, much of which show no actual acheivements. The swimming is nice tho</p>

<p>i participated and achieved in all of them even if they look like “fillers”</p>

<p>Your scores are slightly lower than they should be for some of these schools. The GPA and rank look fine. ECs are pretty standard - the only thing that stands out is the swimming, and that will not help you if you don’t plan on being recruited and doing it in college. Make sure you write amazing essays.</p>

<p>With that said:
Brown - High reach
NYU - Match
UVA - Reach
GW - Match
UPenn - High reach
Columbia - High reach
Carnegie Mellon - High reach
UChicago - High reach
UF - Match</p>

<p>You might want to look into a couple more safety schools.</p>