first time poster(chances?)

<p>What are my chances for cornel regualr decison and cornel early decison?</p>

<p>Hi im a junior at a pretty competitive public high school, commack ny. We have the IB program so no clases that tender exclusivly to aps (bummer). I was not focused in my freshman year and im horrible at spanish (75) this is mirrored in my gpa.</p>

<p>I have about a 90 average unweighted and a 94 average weighted. This will change this year because im no longer as lazy and im in all ib classes which are weighted 10% (plus i improved my self educationally over the summer and im getting a 100 in math + physics every marking period only have the year to go).</p>

<p>We dont have class ranks but if id have to guess im somewhere around 25 out of 550, i should be higher :(. </p>

<p>psats = 800 math, 690 reading(will improve a lil), 620 writing(will improve ALOT)
only a little above mastary regents scores.</p>

<p>sat 2, chem screwed up 640, math 1 c 800, math 2 c(probably 800 (havent taken yet)), physics (havent taken yet but around 780), and us history (havent taken probablly around 720)</p>

<p>I took ap comp sci a-5
This year i will take ap stat(no class, expect to get 5), comp si ab(no class, expect to get 5), and physic(1st year ib class that is not geared toward ap test, expect to get 5), psychology(taking ib pschy, hope to get a 4), and us history(taking ib class hoping to get a 4)</p>

<p>NExt year i will continue to take higher level ib courses, and i look to take about 5 more aps(none of which will show up).</p>

<p>Extra curricular, president of young republicans, secreatary of debate team, active member in computer club, future enginers, math team, brainstormers, math, science,tech, honor societies, and comedy troupe</p>

<p>My grades have steadily improved over the years, even as i transitioned into ib classes from not even honors courses.</p>

<p>What are my chances for cornel regualr decison and cornel early decison?</p>

<p>No answers :'(</p>

<p>You seem to have as good a chance as anyone else. Just try to get your GPA to a max and maybe practice SATs a little more. A few awards won't hurt here or there :)...
For both R/ED, I think your chances will come down to the flip of a coin...but I would definitely apply ED as that shows you really want to go to cornell.</p>

<p>thx sinewave</p>

<p>Its hard enough trying to speculate about admissions based on test scores, etc. Its pretty much impossible to speculate based on speculation about test scores. How about asking again when you have a little more to work with? End of junior year is a better time to start worrying about chances.</p>

<p>yeah, i guess its stupid asking for a PREDICTION, based on scores im pretty sure of based on many many practice tests</p>