First Visit to University of Alabama

<p>First of all, I wanted to thank everyone for taking the time to post all the incredible info about UA. I had never even considered this school for my daughter, but thanks to the great posts online, it is definitely a front runner. I am planning on taking my daughter over the summer for a visit. Besides doing the tour, do you have any helpful suggestions? She is interested in Political Science and wants to pursue Law. She has a 4.2 GPA and good rigor- AP. She just took the PSAT- so we are waiting on scores. She’s a sophomore. I’m trying to get her excited about this school because I think she will qualify for merit aid. </p>

<p>I am new at this- first child going off- so please be kind. Thanks in advance.</p>


<p>Summer visits can be a bit strange because the school won’t be in its regular routine…plus it will be hotter than it will be most of the school. </p>

<p>Is that the only time you can visit?</p>

<p>Mom2collegekids- I thought it would be easier to bring her over the summer when she has time to think clearly. She’s so overwhelmed with school, so it is difficult to even take her out of class for a day. Our spring break is out because she’s going on a trip with her Latin Class. But I’m thinking after reading your post, perhaps we should take her during the school year. Thanks so much for your comment. In fact, you were the one who got me interested in UA, so I thank you very much for your wealth of knowledge.</p>

<p>If you do visit, first set up the campus tour online…try for an early morning time! Don’t bother with the “info session”, you’ll get that info here pretty much on the Alabama forum on College Confidential which is VERY active.*
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>In the email include:</p>

<p>Student’s name and contact info</p>

<p>Date and time of the Campus tour that you’ve reserved.</p>

<p>GPA and test scores (include likely NMSF if applicable)</p>

<p>Likely majors*</p>

<p>Career interests (including med, law, etc)</p>

<p>Anything particular that you want to see. *If you have an interest in seeing the new Science and Engineering Complex, let them know.</p>

<p>Honors Recruitment
Allison Verhine
269 Nott Hall
<a href=“”></a></p>

<p>Susan Alley
Assistant Coordinator
270 Nott Hall
<a href=“”></a></p>

<p>Allison and her assistant will arrange the rest of the day…meeting with faculty, honors people, touring honors dorms, etc.</p>

<p>Sometimes mail goes to their SPAM folders, so call them if you haven’t heard back within a few business days. These ladies do an excellent job and work very hard</p>

<p>Here’s a video and pics about the school…
[The</a> University of Alabama College of Arts & Sciences “This is How College is Meant to Be” - YouTube](<a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube)</p>

<p><a href=“Titanium Chef | Home”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Pics of the new Science & Engineering Complex begin on page 6, Student housing pics begin on page 12</p>

<p>Floridamomma, there are probably times when your D’s high school has off but colleges are holding classes. For instance, my D visited 4 schools (each separately) and never missed a day of school. She visited over Columbus Day weekend, Veteran’s Day weekend, right before Thanksgiving and over MLK weekend. Students were starting to leave at the school she visited right before T’giving, but there was still a critical mass, and it was a normal day during her visit to every other school. If your D is only a sophomore, I’m sure you can find a time to visit when school will be in session and campus will be lively.</p>

<p>I agree with M2CK, try to visit during the school year when the campus is lively and there are plenty of activities going on. Generally, I would say to avoid football weekends because both hotel and transportation costs are high. Try to arrange a class for your daughter to sit in on. Personally, I love the campus at night, it is quite beautiful.</p>

<p>We went on a Friday and Saturday (Thursday travel day). My daughter loved it. Her school excuses absences for college visits as long as you have documentation. I forwarded my emails showing our visit schedule from Susan in the Honors College and we were good to go.</p>

<p>Thank you everyone for all of your advice and for all of the information. I feel overwhelmed as a parent trying to help my daughter navigate her future. You have no idea how much I appreciate you all taking the time to respond. A million thanks for everything. MOM2Collegekids- You are awesome! A million thanks! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Just to let you know- My D and I visited last June (more towards the middle of the month) and it went so well that I am now battling a child who refuses to consider backups, lol. </p>

<p>We went in knowing that it was summer, and quite frankly, the Alabama heat was nothing compared to the oppressive South Florida heat that sets in about late April. The people were wonderful and the facilities were better. Go when you can because you don’t want to miss this gem.</p>

<p>My DD was sold as well from her first visit in late August 2012. We timed it so that she hadn’t started school yet, but Bama. The only negative to going at this time was that it has been a long two years until move in!! Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>Yes…avoid Football Home Game Weekends…not only would it be hard to find lodging, but any found will either be super pricey good places or the yucky motels that no one wants to book. lol</p>

<p>Glad to help out! :)</p>

<p>Anyone interested in going to a game next year…book NOW.</p>

<p>I just booked TAMU’s home game for next year for my VRBO. Hotels for next year (the decent ones) are booked.</p>

<p>FloridaMomma…another Florida dweller here (and visited w/DS in June like InvolvedmomFL)…we’re planning to go back for a visit in March or April of this Spring. The summer visit gave us a chance to see a lot without all of the hustle and bustle that I’m sure a regular day brings. This time he can focus on sitting in on a class and getting a feel for the environment when classes are in session. With a qualifying SAT score in hand for the Presidential Scholarship, he’s really zeroing in on determining the “fit” for he and the school. The only other school he mentions (amongst the nine we visited this summer) is Emory and that one only in passing. This process of visits, we felt, gave him the best opportunity to get comfortable with the whole school selection process. Best of luck in your search, this forum has been a wealth of knowledge for us and is frequented by some awfully nice folks.</p>

<p>I personally would strongly recommend doing college visits during the school year, so that you can see the school’s personality and what the student body is like and whether it’d be a good fit for you. When it came down to me choosing where to go to school, the feeling I had when I walked around campus and the interactions I had with current students were very influential. It can also work the other way- I was looking strongly at Southern Methodist University, and on paper it seemed like the perfect school for me. However, when I visited I didn’t feel very comfortable and I knew it wasn’t the place for me.</p>

<p>The only weekend I can swing a trip during the school year would be Easter Weekend. I looked on the UA calendar and surprisingly they are in session that weekend. Should I do this? Or wait till summer…</p>

<p>Also, for any Floridians… do you fly out of Miami to Birmingham? Driving will take 10 hours and we don’t have time for that.
Thanks in advance for your help. :)</p>

<p>UA campus in the Spring is especially gorgeous! Do it.</p>

<p>We found high school spring break to be the perfect time to visit colleges, because generally the breaks don’t coincide so the colleges are in session and the student doesn’t miss any school. We went to UA over spring break my son’s junior year and it was absolutely gorgeous weather.</p>

<p>And just as an aside, InvolvedmomFL, after our visit we couldn’t get our son to apply anywhere else either. :)</p>

<p>+1 to the list of parents who can’t get their child to apply anywhere else after visiting Alabama! </p>

<p>D has been twice: her first visit was a totally random, impromptu visit while in Birmingham for a high school event. Her second visit was to ‘sell’ me on the campus she fell in love with at first sight.</p>

<p>Fly to Birmingham Airport and rent a car. Bama is an easy one-hour drive from there.</p>

<p>Our daughter didn’t want to apply anywhere either! We made her apply to Penn State as a back up incase something where to come up that would reguire her to be closer to home. :slight_smile: She says we wased out money on that application.</p>

<p>We went the first time over Memorial Day…and there were BAMABound kids (freshman orientation) all over campus…so it was exciting to see these recent high school grads starting their BAMA careers.</p>