First year seminar

I’m trying to choose my First Year Seminar course for next year.
I’m am undecided student, so I was given an option that would focus on exploring students. This class’ subject matter isn’t something that I find entirely interesting. Howevet, this First Year Seminar includes weekly activities that examine different career choices, which may be helpful in determining my major.
On the other hand, there are some other FYS options with topics that I find would be more fun to learn about. I feel like I would enjoy these more than what I would learn in the Exploring Students FYS.

My main question is, is it better take a FYS that would provide some more aid in deciding my major, or a FYS that is more interesting to me?

One would hope that there would be overlap between “deciding my major” and “more interesting to me”. Be prepared to change your major at least once - a lot of people do. As much as this exploration is about figuring out what you want to do, it’s also figuring out what you DON’T want to do. If the only thing you get out of the Exploring Students FYS is this, it was worth it.