FIT Applicants - FALL 2020

Congrats!! Did your acceptance come by regular mail or email?

CONGRATS!! Did you find out by email or regular mail?

I’m looking at my account on “MyFit”…does anyone recall seeing something that said “Pay your tuition deposit” ? I see it now but don’t remember if it was there before?

I see that now too - it’s new!

If you can get to where you can pay a tuition deposit, I think it’s safe to say you’re accepted! I just paid ours!

Hey guys! Someone in the GroupMe groupchat sent an email explaining that official letters from admission are coming out today! This has been sent by an admissions officer. If you do not know how to log into your FIT email, or you haven’t gotten a Fin. Aid email yet, you will most likely get an email by the end of the day regarding your admission status! Hope this helps any parents or prospective students!

YAY!! Did you get the acceptance by snail mail or email? Where do you live? We are in California, so regular mail may take longer…

Yay I got in for sneaker and accessories design! Anyone else get into that major?

Hi guys, I now have the pay your tuition deposit link, but no emails yet. My financial aid section also still says “waiting to be reviewed” beside final financial aid review so I am not sure if the tuition deposit link is a good thing or a bad thing yet. Super anxious, I applied for Fine Arts AAS so I know there probably arent many spots (I plan on doing art history and museum studies for my bachelors) . I hope I find out today or tomorrow and not have to wait until the initial April 1st date.

Myfit account only says the application is processed, when I check the application status, it only says reviewed. I don’t see a tuition link or anything. Getting worried…

I still cannot get into my FIT email(all of the credentials are correct too); i am freaking out. I emailed the office of admissions twice and they have yet to get back to me. I’m afraid im going to miss all of the important emails!!! Any ideas???

Did you “add a new account” in gmail with the FIT email & password?

oh & you might have to change your password from the myfit login page (use the password center link) - someone mentioned that upthread & we did change ours…

Yes! when i sign in with it, it says the account doesnt exist, then when i try to create an account, it says the “new email” has to be :frowning:

MyFIT account has an option to pay the tuition fee, does this mean that I have been excepted? because besides that I have received no official confirmation email from the admissions office

Where does it show the option to pay the tuition fee?

Like at the very last of the admissions requirements field and even when I click on it, I get redirected to a payment website

Yes! That means you’re in! Congrats!

I’m sorry - I don’t have an answer then - keeping trying Admissions for help :frowning:

If you don’t have that showing up, does that mean you didn’t get in?