FIT Applicants - FALL 2020

I don’t see that option anywhere, this is scary

Well at least I have Parsons acceptance letter thankfully

First, congrats to everyone on your acceptances!

Second, are most you finding out via your financial aid portal? My DD did not apply for financial aid, which is why I ask…I haven’t told her about the acceptances going out today because she said she’s going to just wait for an email.

If she didn’t apply for aid, you could see if the tuition deposit link is there for her. I don’t know if not having that link yet means you didn’t get in though.

What email was sent by an admissions officer explaining that official admissions emails were going to be sent out today?

Just to confirm what some others have seen… true for my son as well. His Award information is there, he could decline or accept the Award, he could pay for the deposit and even register for classes! Couldn’t get logged on to the myfit gmail but once he found where to change the password, it worked. The official acceptance letter is NOT in this email yet but there is a financial aid email that says “Congratulations on your acceptance to FIT!”

@litva4 congrats to your son!

Ok, I’ll let her know to check…quarantine is getting to her today so I think I’ll wait until this evening to mention anything.

Again, congrats to everyone!

Hey guys! Sorry to beat a dead horse with this one, but if I now have the ability to pay my tuition deposit, am I for sure in? I just really don’t want to get my hopes up.

looks like presidential scholars are the only ones who have began receiving their official acceptance emails! i’m in for fashion design and pres scholars

I’m freaking out right now… I didn’t get any email and myfit is not updating ever since I applied. I can’t view coa cause I’m an international applicant but I don’t even see deposit link on myfit… does that mean I got rejected? Or do I just have to wait more.

Did it come through the fit email address?

I have the same problem with some of my MyFIT links. They will just open up to nothing. I also can’t see my COA, but I do have a deposit link, but I’m honestly not sure that actually means anything. I would just keep waiting. It’s a scary and tedious process! Sending my love and good luck!

I am an international applicant as well, and Myfit doesn’t show any links either

nope this is the official one that comes to your personal email you applied with and so far only pres scholars have gotten them so they’re sending them out in batches

haven’t received anything yet but I’m not giving up hope till I get an actual rejection lol crossing my fingers this goes well

@overflowin My guess is that you’re admitted. If you click on “Pay Your Tuition Deposit” does it take you to the payment portal?

@mom2jgd Yup! I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Can’t wait to get the official news.

Hey I did too!

Regular Decisions are coming out now! I think its alphabetical, it seems like.

I am an international student, now I got the pay your tuition deposit link.(I applyed FD) I also can see FAFSA option. If it means I get into FIT??