FIT Applicants - FALL 2020

So log out of gmail - click “create an account” in gmail - enter your FIT email address. The password is whatever you have for your myfitaccount.

My son got accepted for FBM! Yay! His #1 choice.

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Already did it, on my FIT account. Are they sending emails one by one?

I don’t know - the email wasn’t personalized - just said “Dear Student” & was sent at 12:07 pm. The subject was “2020-2021 NEW ADMIT FINANCIAL AID NOTIFICATION” so I imagine if one didn’t do a FAFSA, maybe they won’t get this email? I’m also guessing this doesn’t serve as the official acceptance email?

Oh alright, just gotta keep waiting I guess! Thank you

Yes; you should only see an email if you’ve completed financial aid. It is NOT an acceptance email, it is a financial aid email for admitted students. Formal acceptances will likely release at a later date

my financial aid checklist has changed! i see financial aid information on My FIT (i see grants, my ability to accept the grants, financial aid, etc.) does this mean i am an accepted student?

no matter what i do, whenever i try to log into my FIT gmail account, it says “couldn’t find your google account.” it won’t let me create a google account with the domain!

I had some trouble, you have to sign on gmail with your fit email and password. For your password, change it to whatever is convenient and log in on gmail with the new password that you created.

I really hope that helps, and good luck! I am not a Financial aid applicant, so I’ll probably know after sometime.

I already changed my password and it STILL won’t work :frowning: it says my google

*it says my google account doesn’t exist ^

Oh, then email FIT admissions and tell them that you are having trouble logging in, and they will surely help you!

Does anyone know if having all of the financial aid information on your financial aid checklist (on myFIT) is important? my COA changed and stuff, does this likely mean i’ve been accepted?

Some accounts aren’t working for some reason.
Anyway we did a poll in the group me group and 32/47 haven’t gotten anything from FinAid yet and majority have a COA showing so this is still early so no panic!

Congratulations to those who’ve been notified.

Hope to join you

I can’t even breath right not… I GOT ACCEPTED! I am so excited I don’t know how to act aha, but Congratulations to everyone else who did, and if you haven’t heard anything yet, I’m sending good thoughts!!

How can we be added to the groupme group?

Yes - I’d love to get my son added if possible? He doesn’t do facebook.

my email worked but nothing from financial aid :frowning: also everything i click on in MyFIT says “session timed out.” I don’t know what any of this means but I’m not giving up hope yet!

i’m sorry i keep asking this but i feel like i’m running in circles: i received all of my financial aid information on myFIT, does this mean i was accepted?

If your COA updated (no longer showing 0), then that’s a very positive sign you got in. We now have “Revised Award Notification Email to be Sent” next to Final Financial Aid Review & we got the Admitted Student Financial Aid Email. Our COA updated a month ago.