FIT Applicants - FALL 2020

I got in!! I applied to Communication Design and my email was sent at about 7am Eastern Time. My first name is G and last name P. Also, would anyone happen to have the groupme info? I’d love to get to know some people :slight_smile:

@Mimi2018 I hope you get good news for your D! Have you visited both FIT and The New School? I think the distinction between the admissions departments of these two schools is only a tiny part of the massive differences between them. FIT has a great name/reputation but at the end of the day, it’s a SUNY school, not as well-funded as Parsons.

My son got his Welcome email (in his regular email inbox) last night at 10:48 p.m. Major is Production Management. Last name starts with D.

@mom2jgd Congrats to your son!!

yes, we were able to see both schools, but only briefly, so didn’t get a full experience at either. What I did see was enough to get exactly what you’re saying, though.

Hopefully she will hear from FIT today! Last name starts with R, so fingers crossed word has arrived in her email by now!

Congrats again, such a huge accomplishment!

has anybody else heard back?

Are they doing it by different time zones?

how do you create a gmail account with an account that isn’t ?? it won’t let me! and every time i try to log in it says i don’t have a google account with that email address

My DD hasn’t heard back. We are on the West Coast. Last name starts with R. My hunch is she didn’t get in… when she heard from her other schools she heard immediately with big scholarships attached.
This is frustrating for those waiting, but maybe a sign? Since many have heard already? It’s very difficult to decipher how admissions works here since it doesn’t seem all that straightforward.

Best of luck to you all, and Congratulations to those accepted!

Hey guys. I’m a transfer student and haven’t heard anything back yet, and am getting a little worried. I do not have the pay my deposit link in my portal or any updates on my financial aid (my COA never updates). I was rejected for this last spring term, so was really hoping I would get in this time. If any other transfers are in the same boat, please let me know!

@fashionluvr6464 hi i remember you from last year! im in the same boat as you, except i have the pay tuition deposit link but havent received any email or mail.

I’m in the same boat as you! This is my first time applying though. I wonder when we will hear back?

@ialcrz i remember you too! keep me posted. @brmgross I’m hoping we should hear by tonight maybe tomorrow! so anxious!

I got accepted for Fashion Design! I received the email this morning.

I got accepted to fine arts, I got the email at 2am

Has anyone got accepted for graphic design yet?

@mike1554 I think maybe one person posted earlier today, but other than that none that I know of…that’s the major to which my DD applied.

My son got into FBM AAS. The Welcome email was received at 8:13am PDT today.
(Last name begins with T). Good luck to everyone who are waiting, and congrats to those that are accepted. No matter where you go, it depends how much you get out of your college learning that helps you get into the job you want.

Congrats to your son!

Just curious if FBM requires a portfolio?

@Mimi2018 FBM does not require a portfolio.

@angkwan thank you!