FIT Fall 2021 Admissions

There is a big jump in Room cost - 78% increase in one year (went from $15,200 to $27,000)! Yikes, they must be trying to make up the difference in revenue lost from Covid.

Nothing has changed for my COA but my Financial Aid Checklist says Application pending to be reviewed too.

How early did you submit your applications materials? I just want to get an idea of whether or not my portal should update soon.

I don’t think it depends on how early or late you submit your application, some people don’t see a change in their COA till after they’ve been accepted.

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It doesn’t matter when you turned in your application materials since FIT is doesn’t have rolling admission. She applied for AAS in Fashion Design and turned in all supplemental materials by 1/19, then applied for Presidential Scholar Program on 1/25.

Oh, ok thanks for the clarification!

Is anyone else’s financial aid checklist not working ? Also my name used to be in the corner of my portal and now it’s gone :frowning_face:

when i click on Financial aid it says it refused to connect and its a grey screen. hopefully this isn’t a bad sign.

My screen has my name in the corner on my PC but on my phone it does not. Hang in there!

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Anyone seeing a change in COA yet?

nope but i can’t get onto my portal at all it says the authentication failed

That happened to me too. It has something to do with the amount of times you fail to sign out properly. Try using another device; that helped me!

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It works now but no change :frowning_face:

name was gone from upper right corner yesterday but its back today

mine is still gone :frowning_face: do you think it means anything

Hi! is your daughters name in the top right corner of her portal or is it gone ? mine was there for a while but now it’s gone and i just want to know if anyone else is having this problem.

It’s not there, but we’ve never paid attention to that to know if it was there previously. When she logged onto MyFit, the landing page has her name in the top right corner. But once she clicked on Financial Aid Checklist, her name was not there, but the details of her cost of attendance were all still there, including our specific EFC number, so we know it’s her specific record and not some generic template for everyone.

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I don’t think it means anything, to be honest. I know it’s very hard to wait patiently, but at this point, FIT’s decision process is out of our control; worrying is not going to make any difference. Don’t let the worry rob you of your joy and happiness now. My daughter is trying to keep herself busy with her current school work and outside scholarship applications, so she doesn’t fret about it too much.

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where did you see this?

Once you’re on the Award Overview page, my daughter can see the family contribution as well as the detailed cost of attendance breakdown. That’s where we saw how much the room and board are for 2021-2022 as an OOS student.