FIT Fall 2021 Admissions

Hey guys, March 23rd is right around the corner. I am so nervous. I wish us all good luck!!!
And just in case anyone is confused, March 23rd is usually the day where the first batch of decisions come in. At least it was like that last year. We will see!


any other transfer applicants gotten the email to their fit email about their credits being awarded?

Hello! Just wanted to ask how to access the FIT email. Do you do so via the MYFIT portal? Thanks!

@cmilord02 your FIT email should be and your password should be FIT and your birthday. so for example and password FITJan122002


That’s weird! The username is valid, but the password is not being accepted. Are you able to access your FIT email? Anyways, thanks for the info!

Never mind.

I am able to access mine

You do it through Gmail. You have to type in what @yeehawluvr explained in the Gmail username and password section. Idk if that helps?

has anyone’s financial aid checklist or coa updated today?

Nope sadly still no change for me.

My FIT portal has updated, it says “pay student account and view e-bill” under the sub-heading ‘online resources’, has this happened to you guys? When I click on it, it asks me to accept the terms and conditions. I haven’t accepted them yet as I don’t know what it is about. I haven’t yet received my decision so I don’t know why this has come up?

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Now it won’t let me connect to that link? It’s weird I don’t know what it is about.

Ah that’s amazing :heart:! It’s probably good news! Still no update for me on my portal… I can’t wait for the decisions to come out because it’s so confusing.

I think everyone has that, i’ve had that this whole time i’m pretty sure

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Has your portal updated @miamaraa ??

Ok good, I just wanted to know if it was anything bad!

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nope :frowning_face: FIT now has their Fall 2021 admitted students page up so we should be getting decisions really soon

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Yes thank you. I just saw it. One more week before the day where decisions usually start coming out! We got this

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Can anyone else access the deposit? It’s so weird because I haven’t received my decision yet it’s allowing me to pay the $150 deposit.

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Hi - where do you see the place to pay the deposit?