FIT fall 2022

hey! my name is aylene and i applied to FIT for fall 2022 as a FBM major. anyone else apply? good luck to everyone!

hey, I’m applying for the visual communication design major as a transfer! do you know when decisions are being released? i think in past years they would release them around this time…

hey! from what i know, decisions will be coming out by the end of march beginning of april so don’t worry! depending on if you applied for early decision they will probably let you know by the end of march beginning of april and if you just finished your application recently perhaps beginning middle of april too

Does anyone know if everyone’s financial aide gets reviewed? My daughters status has a explanation point and states waiting to be reviewed. Is this anything to be excited about or everyone has that?

My daughter has the same. I think it means they started reviewing the financial aid, so things are happening.

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decisions come out soon. good luck to everyone!


same, I applied to the communications design 1 year aas major as a transfer. Good luck, hope you get in! I haven’t heard back yet and am super nervous…

So anxious. DD applied for AAS interior design. From last CC threads, it seems there are a few waves of decisions. It’s an agonizing wait. Has your portal updated at all? No change to financial aid and no tuition deposit link under application status (past threads say this is a clue that you’re in, not sure if true). Anyway good luck and I hope we hear sooner rather than later.

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My daughter applied for footware and accessory design. I looked at the threads from the last 2 years abs so far as of now I don’t see those changes. So :pray::crossed_fingers: for everyone we hear in the next few days! Good luck!


has anyone gotten anything so far?

i haven’t, im also waiting to see if anyone has heard anything

Do update if you guys get a mail!

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if i’m not mistaken, they’re sending out emails first and then mail!

i haven’t received anything… im gonna keep coming back 2 these threads to see any updates​:sob::joy: but omg i wish u all the best of luck <33


so i just found out acceptances actually come around april 5th. there’s been more applicants this year than the last 2 years so it definitely sucks finding out. either way, be on the look out and good luck!

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Where did you hear this?

In another “Fit Fall 2022” thread , someone replied saying they called admissions recently & they told her we should be hearing back within a week around April 5th due to the amount of applicants they received this year.


My daughter is hearing presidential honors is starting to receive emails now.