FIU as an out-of-state student?

Im currently a high school senior right now living in Ohio. My family will be moving to Tampa in the next year so I’m considering attending college in Florida. My #1 school rn is UCF but I dont think I’ll get in as I’m a very mediocre student (3.8 weighted gpa, 26 acts, no sports or clubs just volunteer work). I want to attend a public university to save $$ but I also want to live in a school near a big city. Because of my grades I don’t think i’ll get into USF , UCF, or FSU. My only option would be to attend FIU but I am worried I will not have the normal college expirience since nearly 95% of the students are commuters. I have family in Miami and am latina which helps haha but I’m just worried I won’t make any friends especially since I’m not from south florida. FIU is the cheapest option (since I’ll only pay out-of-state tuitin for one year) even cheaper than me staying in Ohio all 4 years at a public university. IDK WHAT TO DO PLS HELP!!

I think you would get into UCF or USF, but I think you are wrong about 95% of the students at FUI being commuters. I know several kids who attend FUI and they lived in dorms the first year and now live off campus in apartments (they are all from north Florida so can’t commute).

Do you think extracurriculars play a huge role at UCF or USF? Im a dual-enrolled student with my local community college and I have a job so extracurriculars have been hard to stick w/. Im retaking my ACT aswell. FIU is my back up but I just don’t want to feel left out, especially in terms of social life.

Try to raise your ACT to 27 and apply to the Honors college - honors students have a special dorm that’s pretty nice and may come from further away IE., less likely to be commuters.
If you don’t get into Honors, request a room in a living/learning community, those put together students with something in common (academic interest, lifestyle/hobbies…) Which means instant friendships!
Also apply to UTampa Honors - you’d qualify for scholarships.