Five Below

<p>No, not the store, but the percentage of African-American students on campus. Have any of you or your children attended a college that had an African-American enrollment of 5% or below? What was your/their experience? Currently, several of the schools on my S13's list (mostly in the midwest) have AA enrollments of 5, 3, even 2 percent and I'm wondering what his experience might be like. We live in a diverse area and his high school is nearly half AA but most of his friends are not. I attribute that mainly to his interests. Would that make a difference either positively or negatively?</p>

<p>Hi. At my current university, there is a 10% black enrollment. I am, however transferring. I was accepted into Northeastern University, which has a black student enrollment at a whopping 3%. I was also wait-listed at Boston College. I am not sure what the percentage of black students is at BC, but I hear that it is VERY low. I went to an all white high school (not exaggerating, I was often the only black person in my classes), same for middle and elementary school so I am quite used to it. In fact, I’ve always had a hard time getting along with black people because they claim I “act too white,” whatever that means. I can understand your concern, but he should be fine. I never really had any issues. Also, being that I am a first generation American, I would tend to gravitate to other first-gens and I found that I had more in common with them than I did with black Americans. My point is that he will find his niche regardless of the student body make-up, I’m sure.</p>

<p>Thanks for sharing your experience.</p>

<p>Does anyone have any more to share?</p>

<p>I think high school environment will impact hkm the most. If he generally hangs around with non AA, then he should be ok below 5%. Personally I would ensure that the school has a strong black diversity group and can provide a strong network just in case.</p>

<p>My DS went to a high school with less than 5% his entire life. He is now in college and primarily is with non AA. He is happy. I have made sure he stays involved with a few black networks just in case.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>