How much does coming from Florida help for Ivy League admission? I know states like Cali, TX, and most NE states are quite competitive. Has anyone had any experience from Florida? I know most schools consider Florida as an entire region during the admissions process, vs. states like New York which have multiple regional people for different counties/parts of the state. I come from a competitive suburban public with 500+ in my class, 100 in IB.
Please don’t base admissions chances on being from one state versus another. Florida at large especially is more competitive than mid-western states such as Montana. Just try your best, and if it doesn’t work it doesn’t work out.
I don’t know that it would make too much of a difference. If an applicant is from Louisiana or Iowa, that might affect chances, but I think Florida is pretty averagely represented.
It won’t help or hurt you. Cast a wide net and apply to a group of schools that made sense academically, financially, and socially.
Population-wise, Florida is the 4th-largest state, right behind New York. So it’s very likely that all the highly selective private schools have plenty of both applicants and enrolled students from Florida. Thus, being from Florida is likely to neither help or hurt in admissions.