<p>I notice a large number of accepted students to the Ivy League schools live in the New England area. Is this because the schools prefer local students, or that more students in that area apply? I live in Florida and I am going to apply, I just don't want to hear that my chances will be lowered because of my location.</p>
<p>no. you’ll be fine. and besides, even if it did, what are you gonna do about it? just focus on your application being strong. i understand your worry but you should be focusing on the parts you can control.</p>
<p>The new england area just turns out a higher % of top students. Not exclusive at all.</p>
<p>Maybe there are better high schools in the NE or something, too.</p>
<p>they actually discriminate against applicants from the northeast, but they’re just overwhelmingly high in both number and quality</p>
<p>Nah I’m from Florida and I got into seas, so just do your best and don’t worry about it =)</p>
<p>More than anything, it’s a disadvantage to apply from an overrepresented state (as those in the NE). It’s going to be easier to get in from an underrrepresented state (which FL may be, i’m not sure).</p>
<p>Only your weaknesses will hurt your chances…stop worrying about BS.</p>