food and favorite hangout spots

<p>what are some of the popular restaurants that stanford students head off to? Where do Stanford students usually go to hang out / eat lunch w/ friends other than dorms?</p>


<p>thanks! any others?</p>

<p>There’s axe and palm, which is convenient but can be slow. Also, good place to study.
Subway (in tresidder)
JAMBA JUICE!!! Personal favorite.
There’s apparently a thai restaurant in the Psych building, but i have yet to go there.
Ooooh and Moonbean’s is a really cute coffee stand right by green library that sells some food as well as coffee and tea (the samosas are very good).</p>

<p>Treehouse is okay, but it doesn’t take Cardinal Dollars, so you have to pay cash.</p>

<p>Axe & Palm (gets old), the CoHo, Subway, the Bytes Cafe, Cyber Cafe, Late Night…</p>

<p>People seem to like to go to the Cheesecake Factory (but that’s off campus).</p>

<p>Energy Zone (in Wilbur Dining) is pretty good for shakes and whatnot.</p>

<p>sorry…but what exactly are Cardinal Dollars?</p>

<p>Cardinal Dollars are money you can put onto your student ID card that can be used at stores around campus. It basically turns your ID into a debit card for campus stores.</p>

<p>EDIT: I think what the kyledavid might have been referring to though, was points. These are dollar equivalents that you get in addition to your meal plan. Less places accept these than Cardinal Dollars or cash.</p>

<p>I’m still confused about the usage “Cardinal Dollars” and “Cardinal Points”–the dining website even refers to the ones included in the meal plan as “Cardinal Dollars,” not points.</p>

<p>[Stanford</a> Dining - Meal Plan Options](<a href=“]Stanford”></p>

<p>But then you can “purchase” Cardinal Dollars, the ones not included in the plan (that are more like a debit card).</p>

<p>Cardinal Dollars are the same thing as “points”. “Points” is the old term, but it never went out of fashion because it’s easier to say. If you get a meal plan other than 19/week, you get some as part of it. You can also buy extra ones, usable at the same locations (i.e. not Treehouse or Jamba). There’s a completely different thing called StanfordCardPlan that allows you to put money on your card and use it like a debit card. That money works at a lot more places, I think. Usually, though, it’s used for printing and copying and stuff like that.</p>

<p>Olives hasn’t been mentioned here yet–it’s a little Greek/Mediterranean place in the Quad. Not nearly as popular as the others, but an occasional place to go have lunch with someone.</p>

<p>Also, Jamba is a great place to get a snack, but you can’t really “hang out” there. More common would be to get yourself a drink, then either take it to class or (in the spring) enjoy it while sitting in or around a fountain.</p>

<p>What is the main landmark that many students on campus hangout at/pass?</p>

<p>The whole Tressider area (treehouse, coho, jamba juice, subway, etc) has a wide variety of relatively cheap and decent food. Also, there is always university ave with some amazing restaurants (cheesecake factory being my favorite).</p>

<p>Does Stanford really have all these different restaurants and things on campus? Damn, it really is kind of like it’s own town. Pretty cool…</p>

<p>Stanford’s very much like its own little town.</p>

<p>What’s more, all those listed in #13 are clustered right in the center of student life (White Plaza), and there are even more restaurants scattered all over campus (Late Night, Bytes Cafe, The Cafe @ Arrillaga, Olives, 750, etc.–there’s a list somewhere online).</p>

<p>I was watching a video from theU and one of the Stanford students interviewed said the same thing you did (about Stanford being a town), kyledavid.</p>