
<p>Wow…PB&J in the dorm common room would save me hundreds of dollars…I wish Hotchkiss would do that! </p>

<p>@nervousmom: We got our son a visabuxx card and we load it with appropriate funds. He uses it to order food and to shop at the grocery store on the weekends. We get an e-mail every time he makes a purchase and we can set limits, but so far we haven’t needed to do so.</p>

<p>We also sent him with plastic forks and 20 0z paper bowls for microwaving double packs of Easymac. Not the best stuff in the world but it fills the bottomless pit.</p>

<p>I guess, for any food, familiarity breeds contempt. I also think that junk food in the dorms is an opportunity to bond. As long as they share the expense, i.e., one kid doesn’t always buy everyone else dinner, it can work out. </p>

<p>I’m not a supremely sympathetic audience for complaints about food, because by any measure, it’s much better than the food I had as a high school student.</p>

<p>@periwinkle - agreed! </p>

<p>(the mystery meat swimming in tomato sauce that required constant stirring by the lunch lady).</p>

<p>…so that it wouldn’t congeal.</p>

<p><a href=“the%20mystery%20meat%20swimming%20in%20tomato%20sauce%20that%20required%20constant%20stirring%20by%20the%20lunch%20lady”>quote</a>


But it was OK, because it was a different way of overcooking meat than what my Mom did! :D</p>

<p>I fixed goaliegirl an omelette for dinner tonight and it had her reminiscing about Sunday morning’s at her school (she had an omelette every Sunday). Breakfasts were always very good she tells me. They had sandwich grills, so she could make a custom sandwich every day for Lunch. </p>

<p>Her school had an excellent chef. They got very organic with their foods, non-hormone milk, free-range chickens/eggs, etc. And they had some excellent cookies and whoopie pies. Unfortunately, the fruit selection was rather dull except on special occasions.</p>

<p>That being said, she tells me that on a typical night in her dorm of about a dozen girls, 2 or 3 would order out. Some of it was the food. Some of it was schedules.</p>

<p>what food to send with kids: ramen, easymac, granola bars (IF THEY ALREADY EAT THEM)
what foot not to send: anything perishable (especially liquids. they will spill. and perish. and be nasty), anything too crumby, anything likely to spill. </p>

<p>a pack of cookies may be good, that helped me when i was down. also, later in the year, fresh fruit is good (the dining hall stuff at my school is pretty sketch)</p>

<p>Does anyone have any firsthand experience on Exeter’s food?</p>

<p>baystateresident- I had to laugh, we had the same conversation with our S. Try to be the kid ordering the food at least once or twice!</p>

<p>On a general note his biggest food complaint was the lack of fresh fruit beyond apples. He called me once from Walmart wanting to know what canned fruits would be good. Now that’s desperate!</p>