Football tickets (returning students)

<p>Just a heads up for returning students. Make sure you opt in between Monday and Wednesday this coming week to be able to order football tickets for this coming season. This “opt-in” system enables the ticket office and SGA to determine how the student allotment gets divided up by hours earned when the time comes. If you don’t “opt in” you won’t be able to order tickets later. </p>

<p>You are eligible to opt in to participate in the 2011 student football season ticket sale. </p>

<p>If you want to participate, you should submit your request to order between 8:30 a.m. CDT on Monday, April 4 and 4:30 p.m. CDT on Wednesday, April 6. You must submit this request to be able to participate in the season ticket sale.</p>

<p>If you request to order, you will be notified on April 8, 2011, of your sale date. </p>

<p>Follow these steps to opt in:</p>

<li>Click on the Home tab on MyBama.</li>
<li>Click on “Opt in to Purchase Student Football Tickets” in the upper left-hand corner.</li>
<li>A message will appear on the screen telling you that you have successfully completed the request to order process, or that you are not eligible to participate in the season ticket sales. Print this screen if you want a confirmation for your records.</li>

<p>Thanks for the reminder. :)</p>

<p>I have a sticky note on my computer monitor, but THANKS for the heads up!</p>

<p>Are there any special provisions for prospective students to get tickets?</p>


<p>Yes…incoming frosh buy them in beg of June or end of May</p>

<p>UA has been known to offer tickets to prospective students, although in the past this has been limited to prospective students living in nearby states or Texas.</p>

<p>My DS 2012 and I will be visiting in June, but hope to get back in the Fall. I thought I remember reading somewhere on this forum about games being available for visitors. We will already have applied to the Honors College. I’m guessing just try to work that out with Jami when we make the visit arrangements?</p>

<p>I bought some on ebay for H & S to coincide with a fall visit. I think it was homecoming. Tickets were a little pricey $80 I think, but they had an excellent time.</p>

<p>Don’t forget to opt-in</p>

<p>When are tickets available for incoming Freshman? I received a tweet on I think its the parents UA twitter this am about opting in and it said students, but I guess they mean current students.

<p>Incoming freshmen buy their tix around the end of May… Pay CLOSE attention…and be up and ready to buy at the appointed time.</p>

<p>I know you can only buy either 3 or 4 tickets, but are they pre-determined blocks or can you choose individual games? If they are blocks, which games are in each block?</p>

<p>If a student chooses to opt-in, is he obligated to purchase tickets, or could he decline if he changes his mind later about the purchase? Son is not a football fan but I’m not sure if he would like to keep the option open to purchase tickets anyway.</p>

<p>opt-in, if he buys tickets he won’t use he can give or sell them to someone else and as long as they are used not forfeit any rights to buy tickets in the future. DS is not a football fan so used about half his tickets, had some fun, then sold the others at cost ($10ish) or gave them away. Good to have the option.</p>

<p>Son not football fan, either, but since our state’s flagship will be playing Bama at home next year, he will definitely want to attend that game. It may be the only game he goes to, aside from Family Weekend, so he wanted the option to buy those tickets ahead of time. If I understand correctly, if he didn’t opt in today, he wouldn’t be able to buy them at all.</p>

<p>Are upperclassmen able to pick and choose games to buy, or do they have to buy a whole package? </p>

<p>As freshmen, the tickets were only five bucks, so if he donated them, no big deal. Wondering what the cost of upperclassmen tickets are.</p>

<p>If they’re only going to get donated and they cost face value, like 40 bucks or more, we’d like the option of picking and choosing.</p>

<p>Another question, though. If one does not opt in for sophomore year, will they not be able to opt in for junior year? Talking about a current freshman here. </p>


<p>Montegut: Your son can still opt in.</p>

<p>If you want to participate, you should submit your request to order between 8:30 a.m. CDT on Monday, April 4 and 4:30 p.m. CDT on Wednesday, April 6. You must submit this request to be able to participate in the season ticket sale.</p>

<p>If you request to order, you will be notified on April 8, 2011, of your sale date. </p>

<p>Follow these steps to opt in:</p>

<p>Click on the Home tab on MyBama.
Click on “Opt in to Purchase Student Football Tickets” in the upper left-hand corner.
A message will appear on the screen telling you that you have successfully completed the request to order process, or that you are not eligible to participate in the season ticket sales. Print this screen if you want a confirmation for your records.</p>

<p>The tickets cost $5 per game for all students, plus a $6 handling fee per student. Upperclassmen purchase the whole season of home games and incoming freshman choose 1 3-game or 4-game package, the content of which is predetermined.</p>

<p>The opt-in is only for this year and will not affect future years.</p>

<p>FWIW, $40 a game is a great deal for tickets. $41 for the entire season (the price for upperclassmen) is an absolute steal.</p>

<p>^^^Seriously, upperclassmen get to buy the whole season of home games, and it’s 41 bucks? Can’t pass that by. Even if he only goes to one game, and donates the rest, he will have gotten his money’s worth.</p>

<p>Are all upperclassmen able to buy the whole home season, as long as they do the opt in?</p>


<p>Just an FYI. Opting in does not guarantee that you’ll get tickets. You’ll still need to be johnny on the spot when your date comes that you can buy tickets. All opting in does is allow you the possibility to buy tickets and it allows the ticket office and SGA to determine how many tickets to award each class based on the percentage of that class that opts in versus the total student allotment.</p>

<p>Just for illustration purposes (these numbers aren’t actual). Say there are 10,000 total student tickets set aside for returning students and say 20,000 students opt in according to the following.
7,000 current frosh opt in
5,000 current sophs opt in
4,000 current Jr.s opt in
4,000 grad students opt in
under this scenario
35% or 3,500 tickets would be reserved for current freshmen
25% or 2,500 tickets would be reserved for current sophs
20% or 2,000 tickets for current jr’s
20% or 2,000 tickets for grad students.</p>

<p>Each student regardless of class would still have the same chance (50%) of getting tickets. However by staggering the times when each class can log on to buy it lessens the load on the servers and allows for a smoother process so that first come get first served.</p>

<p>BTW, I think based on last years numbers that 85% of students that opted in got tickets. </p>

<p>Student tickets are $5 a game and all returning students get the full season (7 games) package. </p>

<p>Incoming freshmen need to watch their crimson email as their date to buy tickets is separate. If past precedent holds then you will choose between 2 packages. My GUESS is the packages will break down something like this (This is a guess so don’t kill me if it’s not 100% accurate).
Package A (3 games)
Kent St (1st game of season)
Vandy (homecoming)
LSU (best game on schedule)</p>

<p>Package B (4 games)
North Texas
Arkansas (solid SEC game)
Tennessee (Rivalry game)
Georgia Southern</p>

<p>Thank you SO much, NJ. If a student, upperclassmen, can’t get the full package, will they be able to buy single game tickets? And I’m assuming those would be face value, not five bucks. </p>

<p>Thanks also for the heads up to be quick to purchase, since there is a limited number.</p>

<p>I like your proposed breakdown of the freshman packages. Glad we won’t have to make that choice. Both packages are awesome! And remember, freshmen, you can still get tickets to all games, even though you can only purchase one package. Some nice upperclassmen often donate tickets. I’m sure there will be lots more on that later.</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone getting tickets!</p>