for a psych major, why psych?

<p>sorry for basically copying the title of the bio thread, lol. but, my imitation is flattery ;] & as a likely-future psych major, i would really like to know...what are your future plans?!</p>

<p>talk to me, psych majors!</p>

<p>I assume because they wanna be psychologists or psychiatrists</p>

<p>I really don’t like to have many future plans, as I pretty much have always liked to keep my options open, but as for myself(a psych major), I might go to grad school and get a Psy.D, preferably, or a Ph.D or masters in Psychology. If I don’t take that route, I’m also considering double-majoring in economics and might go to business school for economics or marketing. And if I don’t go to grad school of any kind, then I’ll just try to find some random job in the private sector.</p>

<p>I’m graduating in a year and planning on doing a PhD program. I want to do research, mainly in the psychpathology world. My research interests are actually more closely aligned with psychiatry and medical school, but I decided on a psych PhD because a)I didn’t want to do rotations in everything else, b) I didn’t want to take O-chem, and c) psych PhD programs pay, so I’ll have less debt when I graduate.</p>

<p>hm, yeah, i hear a PhD is pretty preferable, although i would rather not…</p>

<p>OH, another question:^betterdays-i find that topic most interesting, too. but would going in to that sub-field actually entail working with the crazies? [i assume so] it makes me a little uneasy, though, ever since watching the sixth sense.
also, some members of my family have been trying to dissuade me from going in to psych, at all, & for that reason. my aunt was like, “we have enough crazy people in this family & you want to work with MORE?!” so, yeah, idek…</p>

<p>I chose psych because it is the subject that interests me most, and I really can’t see myself majoring in anything else. Also, like a couple other people here, I want to keep my options open. I’m mostly likely going to get an MSW after undergrad and do some sort of social work, but I’m also considering getting a teaching credential and becoming an elementary school teacher.</p>

<p>Something in relation to children… my current ideas are either a PhD with a child track or a masters in school counseling (thankfully I’m in a state where I can go straight) to be an elementary school counselor.</p>

<p>@themagicalspork “I chose psych because it is the subject that interests me most, and I really can’t see myself majoring in anything else. Also, like a couple other people here, I want to keep my options open.”</p>

<p>Took the words right out of my mouth :)</p>

<p>For me, it’s a facinating subject, and frankly, I can’t see myself doing anything else (well, I’m not very good at a lot of other things to be honest, lol). The pay is pretty decent too. I enjoy learning about the subject, writing about it, implementing it, etc. I am unsure how “high” I want to go though. After bachelors, can I go straight to Psy. D/Ph.D? (Whats the difference, btw?) or do I have to go Bachelors -> Masters -> Ph.D/ Psy. D? Hmm…so many questions :P</p>

<p>^ a PsyD is more of a practice oriented degree while a Ph.D is more research focused. I’m pretty sure you can go straight into a doctoral program after undergrad.</p>

<p>^^oh okay! :slight_smile: then Psy D it is! I’m not very fond of research/it doesn’t interest me…I know I’ll have to do some eventually, but I don’t want it to be my focus!</p>

<p>hehe I know what you mean. I’m not really into research either. I’m pretty much dreading the research design class I have to take next semester.</p>

<p>^ It’s normally fairly difficult to get aid in PsyD programs as you aren’t working as a lab hound. Have to be careful you don’t come out underwater financially.</p>

<p>Many good PhD programs are almost expecting a year after undergrad doing RA work. Unless you have very heavy research experience in undergrad take that as a possibility.</p>