For all you SCEA Leos...good news on the 15th...

<p>Well, I am the least person to believe in horoscopes, but on Yahoo's horoscopes it says this under the monthly one, specifically pointing to the 15th (for Leos):</p>

<p>You will achieve something important.</p>

<p>Ahhh! And then on the 16th, when you go to the dialy horoscopes, it says: you will be very proud and happy.</p>

<p>I though this was a funny coincidence. BTW, you are a Leo if you were born in August.</p>

<p>Haha, anyway, good days to you all, and may we all retain our sanity while we wait for these grueling 14 or so days...or not :)!</p>

<p>Actually, I believe you’re a Leo if you’re born 7/23 to 8/22 if I remember correctly.</p>

<p>Go Leos!</p>

<p>lol- where did you look it up? i want to check it for aries…
hey a lot of intellectuals believed in astrology during the enlightenment… or i got that question on my euro test wrong. :P</p>

<p>actually this is what i just got by googling- “Keep an eye on December 5, 6, 15, 16 and 26th. I feel that these dates could bring you additional career or work opportunities.”</p>

<p>suddenly, I’m a believer :D</p>

<p>yay for end-of-july birthdays! (hence my username)</p>

I’ve already done some online tarot readings out of boredom.
Strangely, they predicted I would have a relationship sometime in the near future, and these past few days there kind of HAS been someone.</p>

<p>So I have convinced myself that the other prediction of a “new life-changing opportunity” must be at least slightly true.</p>

<p>That, or tarot ain’t fo’ real.
Which is, of course, wrong.</p>


<p>My sanity is definitely gone though.</p>

<p>Well, I’m now fully convinced that astrology is a full-fledged science.</p>

<p>August 11th, woot!</p>

<p>August 24th. </p>

<p>I hope that being off by 2 days isn’t a sign of deferral.</p>

<p>My birthday is August 11th, too! Go Leos!</p>

<p>…except I’m still not getting in.</p>

<p>i’m cancer</p>

<p>You’re likely to feel moody and irritable today, even if there’s no good or obvious reason. Make sure that you don’t take your feelings out on anyone around you and try and listen to your instinct. This will be telling you that it’s simply a case of the midwinter blues getting you down!</p>

<p>LOL doesn’t sound very good</p>

<p>D is 7/23.</p>

<p>BTW I found the monthly referencing the 15th but on the Daily extended I could not find the “happy” text. Can you point me in the right direction. it would be fun.</p>

<p>“The mood is easier by Dec 15 but you won’t advance at your preferred pace.”</p>

<p>I’m Virgo and i hope that means i’m getting in haha. the mood is easier = i’m excited and less tense/stressed b/c i got in hehe! you wont advance at your preferred pace = my day is going to be uber slowwww!!</p>

<p>Yay!! Go Leo!! Go end of July!!
All SCEA Leos, good luck!!
Of course other applicants, too :)</p>

<p>haha, thanks for this thread…</p>

best luck, everyone!!</p>


<p>haha i think maybe the happy part may have been on the 16th too</p>

<p>either way, seems like a good week if u look at the horoscoipe, and remarkably accurate because it keeps talkin of all the studyin im gonna do before exams lol</p>

<p>still, please no one hedge ur bets on the horoscope…there must be a ton of leos who applied haha</p>

<p>ooops i didn’t see “yahoo”.</p>

<p>give some love to the aries(es?):
“You’re in the middle of some great action today and should be able to influence it quite dramatically! Work should go perfectly for you as long as you’re the one who’s shaking things up.”</p>

<p>Okay thanks for making me crazier than I already am. I believe what my horoscope has to say, a lot, and now I will be relying on Yahoo’s horoscope for Libra on December 12th for happiness.</p>

<p>“The response you have been waiting a long time for is going to arrive today, and it will leave you feeling pretty darned delighted! As soon as you get the news, you need to find a way to share your happiness with the people who make you happiest! Plan something around food – a small dinner party, potluck, or even a big table at a fancy restaurant would work, if everyone can afford it. Make sure you don’t make people ante up too much to spend time with you.”</p>

<p>I hope Yale decides to be cool by giving me a decision on the 12th.</p>

<p>Lol… I’m a virgo… for 12/15 Yahoo daily extended horoscope: </p>



<p>That said absolutely nothing in a lot of words… lol… </p>

<p>but I like the 12/16 one… </p>



<p>CCers: Astrology predictions for yale.</p>

<p>eck, Gryffon5147, I’m not liking how the Virgo one is sounding on Dec. 15th…sounds like a deferral letter to me. -.- That better not come true.</p>