<p>Did anyone notice the MAJOR similiarities between both tests? I distinctly remember all those passages on this year's test from last year's test.</p>
<p>Am I just hallucinating? Or experiencing some major end-of-schoolyear insanity?</p>
<p>Did anyone notice the MAJOR similiarities between both tests? I distinctly remember all those passages on this year's test from last year's test.</p>
<p>Am I just hallucinating? Or experiencing some major end-of-schoolyear insanity?</p>
<p>Whoa, seriously?</p>
<p>I didn't take it in '05 but that would be pretty sweet.</p>
<p>that was a a twisted test.
i only took AP AM Lit at school and thought i'd be good for it but i didn't expect so much laborious and hard-to-read writing and i couldn't finish all the questions. =(
but damn if they were the samein 05 and 06...</p>
<p>woa that would be crazy if they were the same...i also thought the test was really hard</p>
<p>i swear, they had the exact same passages</p>
<p>i took the may 2006 test and they had the same passages as a previous test in 2004... i found a post in 2004 that was discussing the same answers to the test i had taken in may!</p>