For schools that require ALL scores sent...

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>Just wondering, do the schools that require all scores be sent check to see if you really submitted all scores? Are you punished (rejection) if you don't submit all scores? Reason for me asking because there's a few that require this but for ACT-you have to pay additional fee per test which is annoying because my SAT was higher----it will add up to the already ridiculous college fees...T_T</p>

<p>Has anyone forgotten to send all scores though you're supposed to? What happened? Did you still get accepted or were you flatly rejected?</p>

<p>bump 10 char anyone?</p>

<p>All scores colleges vary as to whether they actually require all ACT scores. At least some that do, allow you to send one official score and self-report others on application or even just send copies of the other score reports (Yale is an example). Thus, you need to check carefully as to whether you are required to actually send all the official reports for ACT.</p>

<p>As to what they will do if you fail to comply with all scores rules, there really haven’t been any reports of them determining that someone has violated the rule and doing anything about it, so it is just an unknown. They legally could withdraw any admission but thus far nothing has been reported to indicate that would happen.</p>