For Students Also Applying to University of California Schools

<p>I was just reading that UCSB and UCLA require that transfer students submit their intent to register by June 1st. However, USC says it will send out admission decisions or requests for spring grades by June 1st. Isn't this cutting it close? What the heck are we suppose to do? Especially, considering all the horror stories I have heard on here regarding spring grade requests. I will choose USC over UCLA, but if I don't know that I am accepted to USC, it would be really difficult passing up UCLA on the chance that I get accepted to USC. That would just feel wrong. Does anyone have an experience on the subject?</p>

<p>This is a good question that I don’t have the answer for, but I’d suggest you also post in the USC Transfer thread where you may get clarification on this. I believe there’s a long thread specifically for USC Transfers.</p>

<p>Evaluating and making decisions on Freshmen applications are ongoing till April with decisions going out in several waves. The last decisions are the rejections.
Transfer students may be evaluated and notified in the same way. If it’s stated you’d hear by June 1st, that would be the last day, and if the system is similar to freshmen admissions, you should hear on acceptance long before that date. Not sure about this but it sounds reasonable.
Good luck!</p>

<p>I think you would do what other people get off the wait list every year in August do, they accept one institution and then rescind and accept the one they get off the wait list.
In your case, let’s say you are accepted to UCLA first then USC, you would turn in the SIR for UCLA and then when you do get accepted to USC, you inform UCLA that you will not longer attend the school.</p>

<p>The situation gets sticky when you consider that housing applications are also due on june 1st. I was looking at the deadlines and there are alot of major deadlines in june and july. I have heard of alot of transfers not getting decisions until late july.</p>

<p>You probably loose housing deposit at UCLA if you do decide to go to USC. It’s not ideal but if let’s hope you know of USC decision regarding your application by then. Good luck!</p>