for the 2250+ scorers...

<p>for the 2250+ scorers, what did you prep for the new SAT? did you use any old prep books (like the 10 Real SATs, etc) that were originally for the SAT I?</p>

<p>I found the College Board blue book to be very accurate. I got pretty much the same number wrong in thos epractice tests as I did in the real thing. It was hard to tell how I was doing because all they had was ranages, but now you can probably figure out the curve. I'd definitely suggest that book over the others. I also found the College Board online supplement very helpful for analyzing patterns, essay scoring, etc. Hope that helps.</p>

<p>is the Official Guide to the New SAT the CollegeBoard blue book you`re talking about? just making sure.</p>

<p>Yup, sorry for not clarifying.</p>