for the bio sci majors...

<p>im going to take math 122, chem 207, gym, writing seminar, and i want to take another course in bio ( i placed out of intro bio), and want to take something in the bio field- something i enjoy, and at the same time- something that will cut down some bio sci reqsuirements. i would love to take something in biochem, genetics or evolutionary bio; but want to stay away from taking courses solely on bacteria, or microscopic organisms....i'd prefer something w/ humans instead. i was looking at the courses, and can't find anything that a freshmen can take in the fall semester....can anyone helpppppp????></p>


<p>Are you premed? If you are then i would recommend against skipping intro biology. </p>

<p>1) You will perform better because you have had experience with the material.</p>

<p>2) it will be a gret review for the mcats.</p>