For the UC freshmen app essays how much over the word limit can I go

<p>Right now I have an essay at 527 and the other at 531
The total is supposed to be 1,000.
Did I go too much over the limit?</p>

<p>If it were me, I wouldn’t want to give the adcoms any reason to find fault with my application.</p>

<p>Going over a little won’t be an issue issue except that you should be aware of what many adcoms know to be true, having read thousands of essays that over the limit: an applicant who firmly believes he cannot possibly provide the same information within the limit is greatly mistaken.</p>


Maybe the term “limit” needs to be defined…? It means you are not supposed to go over it at all. It is the limit. Maybe give yourself a personal “limit” 100 words fewer than the actual limit - so then you can go over it!</p>

<p>That said, many posters have said they went as high as 1,100 words and were able to successfully submit their applications. I do not know if they were accepted or not.</p>

<p>drusba’s post is right on the money.</p>

<p>You’re fine.</p>