<p>The Florida Opportunity Scholars Program is an initiative to ensure first-generation students from low income families have the resources they need to be academically successful at the University of Florida. The goal of the program is to retain these students and have them graduate at rates equal to or greater than the undergraduate population at large.</p>
<p>If you see that you have that scholarship in your Financial Package then you should receive the Florida Opportunity Scholarship Certification in the mail soon, is just a letter in which you officially accept the scholarship and it explains you everything. In my opinion, it's the best scholarship in UF because it guarantees you won't have any loans in your four-years of college (or five if engineer) and that they will pay everything if you met their reqs. I am a FOS student and believe me, people would kill for that scholarship. Plus, the reqs are super easy to complete like go to two financial aid workshops in your first year and keep in touch with your peer mentor for the first year too, more info here Florida</a> Opportunity Scholars</p>
<p>Just let me clarify, if I got that Certification Letter then that means I got into the FOS program? and means that I will 100% of my college paid for provided that I meet their requirements? </p>
<p>Thanks, I just want to double check my understanding.</p>
<p>So again, all people that are FOS scholars get 100% of their need met? (i.e. if you’re in the FOS program then you will get a full ride for the years that you’re qualified for the program)</p>
<p>I am extremely sorry if it seems like I am constantly asking the same question but I want to make sure before I spend the $200 for the Housing Contract.</p>
<p>Also a few other questions, so I have two other private scholarships ($1000 nonrenewable and $1500 renewable) which I haven’t reported to UF yet since I originally planned on attending FSU but they messed up my financial aid. Could that make me ineligible for FOS? And if not, since there are still some scholarships that I could apply for, should I apply for them or is that too risky?</p>
<p>Also I was thinking about getting a part time job over the summer (I start UF in the fall) and I was wondering what are your thoughts on that and whether you think it could affect FOS.</p>
<p>Yes, FOS scholars get 100% of their need met through grants. About the private scholarships I have some suggestions, if they give you a check to your name, then I recommend not to report it to UF and put it in your account (happened to me with a scholarship of $500), but if not, then you will have to report it, it is not going to make you ineligible, they will just take out some federal grants and they will put your private scholarships in that place. You can have a part time job without affecting FOS, as long as you don’t make more than $40,000 (which is not probable).</p>
<p>^ also are FOS students required to attend summer? Because i was under the impression that it is mandatory, if so i was selected for fall admission so would UF automatically tell me to go to summer? Last but not least, when does UF send more information about the program? So far all i’ve recieved was the letter asking to accept FOS and confirmation of FOS on my financial aid.</p>
<p>No, FOS students are not required to attend Summer, only AIM students have to attend summer. Also, if you are a FOS student, remember to add First Year Fl to your schedule, it is a requirement for FOS in their First year. The class sucks and is useless because all the information they give you is available online but you have to take it.</p>