Florida Opportunity Scholarship for UF

<p>Hello everybody, I'm a Senior in high school whose really interested in UF. I'm Hispanic, male, and low income.</p>

<p>I fulfill all of the requirements but one in particular for the FO scholarship. Its the requirement regarding first generation college students. My father got an AA degree and my Mother managed to attain a BS degree. My father passed away and it took my mother six years to get her degree because she got really sick(diagnosed with multiple sclerosis). She achieved this feat about 14 years ago. I know that I'm considered a 2nd generation college student, yet can I still be deemed eligible for this scholarship?</p>

<p>Does the scholarship define what a 1st generation is? I know some that defined it as not having parents who attended college at all and some that defined it as not having parents who attended college in the U.S.</p>

<p>According to them, being a first generation student means that either of your parents could not have obtained higher than an AA degree. Therefore, you would have been fine with your dad getting his AA, but your mother getting her BS disqualifies you. Yes, I know it is unfortunate that it is this way but that’s what they say. That is what they told me when I emailed them a couple months ago about it. But you can email them (or call) to make sure it is still the same way for next year. Although, Im sure it will be.</p>

<p>UF also offers the Presidential Scholarship. I have a couple of friends that got it. I’m not too sure about the requirements, but check it out! It might be another good option for you to try :)</p>