For those of you interested in the automotive and oil industry

<p>With the career fair this week, there are a lot of automotive and oil industry companies coming to campus to do info sessions ahead of time.</p>

<p>Those listed are Mercedes, Nissan, Exxon, BMW, Chevron.</p>

<p>They are looking for full timers and interns.</p>

<p>It seems that they are sponsored by the different engineering organizations and honor societies, and there will be free food.</p>

<p>If you are not on the engineering email list, make sure you get on it so you can get the info, or stop by the engineering office to find out more.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Also…be sure to note the dress code to attend.</p>

<p>Thank you for passing along this info. Just sent you a PM. This is DS’ main interest.</p>

<p>How can we get on the engineering email list? I don’t think my son received this info to his email - although he does get some emails from the College of Engineering.</p>

<p>My son was not on the list freshman year, either. I somehow found out there was such a thing and told him to go to the engineering office and have them add his email.</p>

<p>Now, if only he would read the emails and go to these events . . .</p>

<p>This is NOT just for the automotive/oil industries. The fair is a general Technical & Engineering Career Fair (list of participants = [The</a> Career Center](<a href=“]The”> ALL majors of students are welcome to attend. Here is the link to all upcoming events: [The</a> Career Center](<a href=“Career Center”>Career Center)</p>

<p>I bet if you send an email to Greg Singleton in the Col of Eng’g, he can add your email to the eng’g ListServ.</p>

<p><a href=“”></a></p>

<p>Greg Singleton
Director of Engineering Student Services
Director of Multicultural Engineering Program</p>

<p>These were events separate from the career fair. The different engineering clubs are having meetings this week with speakers from the aforementioned companies. </p>

<p>There should be a lot more companies at the career fair.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks for clarifying, Montegut. Yes, each branch of eng’g seems to have their own get-togethers this week (a busy one, with all that is going on).</p>

<p>BTW, when I emailed the gentleman listed above, I didn’t really know what to ask. Is there a mailing list for non-students that I can join? He didn’t seem to think so.</p>

<p>you can just check your students crimson email. he most likely has another one that he uses. most of what goes to the crimson email is stuff from the school (not something your kid would mind you seeing) except when you nag him about said things. :)</p>

<p>^^^Been there, done that. </p>

<p>My son allows me to see his crimson email account, but I have to promise not to nag him to attend events, etc. I just make note of what’s going on and forward them to my account, just for safekeeping, as he deletes them as soon as he reads them. I honestly don’t check them all myself, but if something ever comes up with a deadline that was referenced earlier, at least I have a record of it.</p>

<p>So, I got to see his email about all the companies coming to campus, but I said not one word to him about it. But, I thought some of you guys might be interested, so I passed the information on to you guys.</p>

<p>BTW, when I emailed the gentleman listed above, I didn’t really know what to ask. Is there a mailing list for non-students that I can join? He didn’t seem to think so.</p>

<p>I wasn’t clear in my post. I meant that the eng’g students who aren’t getting the Col of Eng’g emails should contact Greg to ask how to be put on the Listserv.</p>

<p>My son gets emails that say [COE-ALL-STUDENTS]. I am guessing that there are other lists that are specific to an engineering discipline. I haven’t seen any emails coming from the Computer Science department.</p>

<p>^^^My son does not get emails with that designation. Will have to look into that. I believe his are specific to the mechanical engineering department.</p>