For those of you who want to save time and pass your CHEM LAB SAFETY EXAM

<p>here is the link to the material (study guide) </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>if you are premed, you will have to take this lab safety exam prior to taking your chemistry lab and it could be tricky (even though half of it was common sense-based questions)
This study guide contains all the answer, though you need to read it a bit to find out but seriously you can get a perfect score using this.</p>

<p>for some reason, chem department provides a bunch of sources on its website but this study guide (which I found to be the most helpful) I had to dig through stuff before I found it. I was going to post it on some facebook group but I think it's better to post it here since people who google it can have access to it.</p>

<p>Tip in passing: find a specific keyword that appears in a particular question, find it on this study guide, there you go
It should work for lower div and upper div chem lab CHEM7L, CHEM143A, CHEM100A etc.</p>

<p>*I forgot to note that please don’t even spend time to read the e-book (Laboratory Saftety for Chemistry Students) that chem dept provides you because that’s 100s+ pages and it did no help at all, at least for me</p>