<p>My son just got his letter that he will be living in Forbes next year, so he is very happy about that. I have a couple questions for anyone who might know...</p>
<p>Is it possible to get into Forbes and look around during PittStart (he goes 6/11-12)?</p>
<p>When do actual room assignments get made?</p>
<p>Is there anything he needs to know if particular about living in Forbes (little details of things he should bring, know, do) that are peculiar to that particular dorm?</p>
<p>You will find the info on his Pitt account when it is posted. I remember seeing the name of the roommate & their email address/room number/room telephone number on it. The housing info appeared in his account on July 1.</p>
<p>I dont know about Pittstart, but I visited the dorm during the day for admitted honors students. The dorms were much nicer than towers (in my opinion). The rooms were bigger and some rooms even had a private balcony
The room size does vary though, so it depends on what you get. They also have a patio on the 2nd floor with a ping pong table and other stuff which is pretty nice. </p>
<p>When I visited they were decorating for a Hawaiian party/ get together so it seems like they try to make living there fun! </p>
<p>As for when the assaignments are made, I also think that they’re made sometime in July.</p>
<p>sk8gr8: yay! You met me while I was decorating for our annual Luau (I was the frazzled Indian Girl, haha).</p>
<p>JamieCakes: you most likely can’t get in during the summer. I don’t know what the case is this year, last year we couldn’t because gov school did housing in Forbes.</p>
<p>Things to bring:</p>
<p>–movies/DVD player, the tvs in the lounges on the floors dont have it
–video games (good for orientation week especially, and on weekends/stressful week nights)
–decorations (not really a must), my floor loved decorating the hallway for holidays
–hamper with wheels or laundry BASKET (walking my huge hamper of laundry to the laundry rooms, though not a long walk, was a bit annoying)
–a lot of people had Brita filters, but I liked the water fountain water fine, and it was super cold too
–(if your S/D is bringing dishes/cups/whatever) dishwashing soap and a sponge. You can use the sink in the kitchenette to clean your dishes
–(SUPER IMPORTANT)<strong><em>!!!</em></strong><em>!!! BATHROOM CLEANING SUPPLIES!!!</em><strong>!!!</strong>*. I can’t stress how important 409 and lysol are. Toilet scrubber too. And rubber gloves. and paper towels (luckily my roommate bought the paper towels and tissues, I got everything else) the only case where you may not need this is IF you end up in the “Midget wing” where you dont have a personal bathroom.
–chair cusion (not necessary, but nice) the desk chairs in Forbes for some reason aren’t pre-cushioned like Towers, so a lot of people like to bring a cusion to put on the chairs to make them somewhat more comfortable.</p>
<p>that’s all I can think of now…I’ll let you know if I remember more stuff, feel free to ask me about Forbes or PM, etc.</p>
<p>Thats so funny! The luau looked really cool
<p>AwesomeOpossum, thanks for all your advice! Those definately seem like really good things to bring.</p>