Fordham class of 2025 EA

I bet you will get in.

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Okay awesome, thank you!

Saw people with stats lower than yours got in. Good luck!

Oh I should also mention I applied to LC for Poly-sci, but I’m hoping for the best and good financial aid!

Frankly, since Fordham does not promise meeting 100% demonstrated need, it is a very slim chance to get big money from them.

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We submitted an appeal in early Feb and received a response within 2-3 weeks with somewhat higher merit aid. Not a life changing amount and not as much as other schools have awarded but enough for us to keep it in consideration.

Have heard many stories of a small amount 2000~3000, which is why we did not bother to try. For us, the out of pocket cost could be changed from 51k to 49k.

Thanks! It’s been bout 2 weeks since we submitted our appeal so we hope to hear soon.

my D is also an NMF and thinking of applying to Fordham for 2022. Did you have to specify that in the application somewhere so Fordham know? Did your S ended up going to Fordham? How does he like it so far?

First of all, he’s happily attending Fordham at LC! Enjoying classes, exploring the city, loves his new friends.

Fordham says they have their own selection process for the Merit scholarship, no additional materials needed. When my son got the acceptance letter, he did NOT receive this scholarship, but the $25-30k one and was very disappointed. A month or two later, he bécame a Finalist and at the same time he wrote a letter to Fordham arguing that he deserved the full tuition scholarship and how much he wanted to attend Fordham. We will never know the reason for the change, but he received the letter granting him the NMS scholarship after that.
Hope this helps. Good luck to your daughter wherever she chooses to go!

When my son applied he was a National Hispanic Scholar. There was a spot on the application that asked about this and NMF. He did receive the full tuition scholarship and months later received notice that he was chosen for a full ride Cuniffee scholarship. He did not choose Fordham but it was definitely a contender.

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Did they offer any merit aid with this?