Fordham Class of 2025 - Regular Decision Date: Mar 15

perfect, thank you!!

accepted rose hill
didn’t submit an sat or act score
rank 53/424
gpa 4.1864/4 (my school doesn’t calculate unweighted gpa)
did the ibmyp program and ibdp program, and also did several ap classes
7 years of spanish and japanese experience
lived overseas for 9 years, founded 1 club, held leadership roles in 2 other clubs, 80+ hours of volunteer service
i was awarded at least $20,000 per year through the dean’s scholarship

my stats aren’t perfect, but i still did really well! so for any prospective students with imperfect stats, don’t worry! you’re gonna end up where you’re meant to be.

Are people paying housing deposits already?

Son got accepted into the business school. Thank you for the heads up to check email at 4pm. Ours came at 4:04p! Congratulations to all!

Sorry, I don’t know anything else but someone did mention above that their daughter received scholarship and grant info mid January when they got accepted a couple years ago.

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Accepted :slight_smile:

Congratulations to everyone! And don’t worry if you didn’t get in, everything will work out as it should!

Question to expert in here: My D received 20K Dean’s scholarship in the letter but that still leave almost 60K out of pocket to attend. Is this final merit/FA number? We summited FAFSA and CSS profile and was hoping for combination of merit and FA to make it affordable.

Thanks !

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Financial aid comes out later. I think around Jan/Feb.

Does Fordham allow stacking of FA and merit aid?

Just spoke to a nice gentleman at financial aid. He said full packages, BOTH need and financial aid, will be released on 2/1. He said the only people that would have received Merit notification in the letters were either accepted via ED OR Deans Scholarship, EA. However, he said there were multiple other Merit scholarships available… so hope is not lost!


Wonderful!!! Fingers crossed everyone

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My understanding is financial aid is a separate amount from scholarships.

Dad here. Daughter accepted to LC Gabelli with the Deans and also Insight Scholars. Is that part of the honors college?

Did everyone here get accepted at Fordham?

Did anyone else get into the global business honors program or know anything about it? Thanks!

Whoops. Ignite scholars. Does anybody know about the Ignite program?

Hi, I am wondering if ANYONE got admitted into RH campus with their majors assigned at all? (not Business school)

I did see earlier posts with the same question, and see some says majors are not assigned till 2nd year. I am wondering if this is the case for everybody? If nobody got into majors directly, why choose major on the application? Will we be given priority to enter these majors or is everyone treated as “undecided”?

Fordham has a pretty extensive core, hence committing to a major in soph year. Guessing the reason for selecting on application is to have a diverse compilation of students. If everyone was selecting political science as a major wouldn’t make for that diverse a group.
My son changed majors several times. Wound up with double major and double minors.

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If he chose to double major and minor in his sophomore year did it impact how much time it will take him to graduate?

He graduated in 2016, in 4 years with 2 internships. Most if not all classes will double count toward majors and minors. So for example Econ 101 will count toward core and major. He wound up with Economics and Math degree with Spanish and International Business minors.

NOTE Numerous AP Classes did help him along the way.