Fordham Class of 2025 - Regular Decision Date: Mar 15

@BmacNJ - Can you share what his first job was? Job title?

Analyst and compliance for large European Bank, currently low 6 figures

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@BmacNJ - thanks.

@BmacNJ - how was his school workload with double major and double minor? Did he work during the school year?

Classwise I don’t think he ever had more then 3 classes in a day over the 4 years. He worked on campus for the sports department his first 2 years. Tutored off campus at an area shelter his junior/senior years. Worked an internship junior year during school year and summer between junior/senior years. Never missed a social event along the way, lol
I’m excited my D was accepted, have zero doubts or concerns she will have just as much a fulfilling college experience if she decides Fordham is her home for the next four years.

Fordham is expensive. They give generous merit aid. The alumni connections in NYC are amazing. Not sure how many other colleges offer a traditional college experience while being in the capital of the world, NYC.
Midtown Manhattan is 20 minutes away. The opportunities are priceless.


Sounds like Fordham has a lot to offer. This isn’t my son’s top choice but now…we’ll have to look into the school more closely. He can’t decide between business/math/engineer. thanks for your posts. very helpful.

I’ll be as honest and helpful as possible. Feel free to reach out with any questions. Best of luck to your son. My son had 2 friends/roomates who did the 3+2 program with Fordham/Columbia for Engineering. Both are doing very well.


You have been a wealth of info here and on my other forum posts. Thank you. Our son is really excited that he was accepted to Gabelli RH. Making it work financially will be the biggest challenge… he has some fantastic offers from other schools several are safeties and others are just not as high on his list. He will have good options though and still waiting on several. We have a set amount we can give per year (25K) as we have 2 more kiddos behind him. So if he decides this is his school there will be loans in his future and more than just the Stafford…we are ok with that to an extent. I pray he gets some some merit and financial aid from Fordham. He’s worked hard in HS but doesn’t have all the awards and leadership roles so many kids do. 3.8 UW w rigorous classes at a highly ranked school - engineering path in high school and mostly all honors, college level and APs plus a stacked senior year of classes that he is crushing considering all of the virtual bs. Thanks again @BmacNJ


Fordham is expensive. Making the numbers work is obviously different for every family. Using AP class credits and extra class in a few semesters along the way can help a student graduate in 3.5 years. That’s a huge savings that is often over looked.

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Taking summer courses should help students to graduate in 4 years.

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Summer classes add to the total cost. Taking 18 credits in one or two semesters (tuition covers 18 credits, most kids take 15) will eliminate a full semester cost


We have only done FAFSA. Does Fordham require both FAFSA AND CSS?

@ModerndayMomager Yes, both are required by Fordham. You may want to reach out to the Financial Aid Dept and speak to your counselor. The CSS takes about half hour to complete, once you have everything in hand.

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Hey, so you seem to know a ton about Fordham. Do you know anything about the Natural Science major @ Lincoln Center. Do you know if my son sends an email to the dept. head with a bunch of questions are they likely to respond?

@sparkleybarkley I’m not familiar with the program, but am 100% certain that the Dean of Dept will answer your sons questions.

Thanks so much!

Thanks for your information! My Daughter’s considering the 3-2 program with Columbia for engineering. Do you know if it’s possible to pursue a humanity major in the 3 years in Fordham? It seems the choice of major is limited according to Fordham website, but she really wants to major in philosophy and then study engineering in Columbia. Also, other affiliated institutions with Columbia allows non-science majors. Thanks again.

Did anyone ever answer your question? If not, I can tell you about my experience. My DD applied and was accepted to the Fordham/Ailey Program last year. You will not get an acceptance/denial until after auditions. Her audition was in early February and she did not get an acceptance until mid-March. Good luck.

How is the financial aid?

Try asking the Columbia Engineering school. It would probably be fine as long as certain courses such as Physics are taken at Fordham.