I was accepted to Fordham Lincoln Center and I want to know what the social scene is like for a guy who IS NOT into theater, gay, or clicuqey. I have nothing against those people, but I have read and heard many negative things about the social scene at Lincoln Center and want to make sure I am making the right choice before it’s too late. Like I said I am open and friendly, straight, male, and an undecided major but open to just about anything. My interests include going out to enjoy museums, hanging out with friends and go for a walk, watching sports, etc… If someone can comment their experience as to how easy it is to make friends for someone like myself, or if this is the right campus to be on (LC VS Rose Hill) that would be great. Any further tips or information would help!
Will you be living there or will you be commuting?
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I have to commute as no on campus housing was guaranteed
Are you more interested in attending Fordham University or in living in NYC ?
Without guaranteed housing at Lincoln Center, Rose Hill would probably offer the better college experience.
For many, living at the Lincoln Center campus is a primary attraction to Lincoln Center. What do you want from your college experience ?
My nephew graduated from Fordham, Lincoln Center, met his wife there, and participated in extracurriculars. Like you, he was a commuter. It worked for both of them. Each experience is individual.
Hello, thanks for your response. I wanted to live in NYC and have a non traditional college experience, but I just wanted to know if I am able to meet guy friends to go out to bars, sports games, etc with in NYC from Fordham LC. I have other friends at schools in NYC, but it would be nice to have friends from my own institution.
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Ok, thank you for your input. I just don’t want to feel isolated or apart from the student body given my demographic.
And that concern has not really been adequately addressed in this thread.
Thanks for the reply. Yes it has not be addressed. If anyone can give me insight as to whether I’ll be able to find buddies to go to bars + clubs with, sports games, etc… with within the FCLC student body who are guys let me know. I understand the on campus scene is dead (party wise) so if I will be able to find students to go have fun with in NYC from FCLC that would be great. Thanks
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FWIW: Judging by your posts in this thread, you are a very decent person who should not have any difficulty making friends.
Hi FCLCTransfer2021! I was also a transfer student to FCLC so can share a bit about my own experience, although it was a few years ago and I’m a girl.
I was also afraid that the scene wouldn’t really be my taste, but it was easier than I expected to find people I clicked with. I think now that Gabelli is at LC, too, the vibe has changed even more from the theater stereotype - although that certainly does still exist, too.
Like you, I had a lot of friends at other NYC colleges, so mostly hung out with them at Columbia and NYU parties on the weekends. I also made friends through internships, an off-campus job, etc. Looking back, I do regret not making more of an effort to make friends on campus, though, so I definitely recommend joining clubs and going to on-campus events. I lived off-campus and really only went to campus 2 or 3 days a week for class and really kept to myself when I was there. I would also recommend talking to people when hanging out in the commuter lounge - everyone did always seem really friendly but I was too shy to chat with people 
I hope this is helpful! Feel free to DM me with any other questions!